Chapter Nine. Old Friends

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I met with Prince Gavriil in the human town about two weeks after Andrew became Alpha. Prince Gavriil was the one sent by the Royals since he was the most elusive and no one would recognize him even if he walked up to an Alpha and said, "Boo!" That was until he let his power be felt.

When I entered the coffee shop where we were to meet, I was surprised when he had a lovely she-wolf by his side. He immediately stood up when I walked to their table, introducing me to his companion.

"Princess Sophie, it is my pleasure to introduce my mate and wife, Lyndmila Volkov. Mila, this is Sophie, Crown Princess of the Rose Throne and a longtime friend of mine," Prince Gavriil said in a low voice that only us three could hear.

Princess Lyndmila stood up and pressed her temples against mine, a sign of affection among wolves. We sat down and Prince Gavriil immediately asked about River's whereabouts.

"He can't leave the pack without alerting Andrew. He's been monitoring River's movements since he became Alpha."

"But he doesn't harm you, Sophie?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I just feel a lot of animosity coming from him. But he doesn't say anything out loud, at least not while I or River could hear it."

"That wannabe Alpha is a piece of work. King Padraig sent a communication to him saying that he wanted to attend the Funeral for Alpha Fabian. You know what that cur did?"

I nodded. So that was why Alpha Fabian was unceremoniously burnt along with the other warriors. We were all shocked when Andrew ordered his soldiers to gather the bodies and to start a fire and when he was questioned, he said that it would be best that the pack erase all memories of that tragic event. This was not the way it was done. A ceremony was held for wolves that had given their lives for the pack. The ceremony was meant to encourage the fallen warriors' souls on their journey and to lend strength to those left behind. Burning a wolf's body without the ceremony was done to wolves who had committed the most heinous of crimes, to communicate a last action of disrespect. Not even rogues were sent back to the Moon Goddess that way.

Andrew became Alpha over the weekend following Alpha Fabian's death, and Alpha Albert of the Intrepid Pack presided. The entire pack was gobsmacked since we all knew that Alphas Fabian and Albert had bad blood between them.

"There's more, Prince Gavriil," I told him.

He raised an eyebrow and I told him about mine and River's suspicions regarding the attack. When I was done, Prince Gavriil and Princess Lyndmila looked at each other, obviously communicating through their link, and stood up.

"We need to let our fathers and the other families know about this," the Prince said. He walked closer to me and bestowed a soft kiss on the crown of my head.

"Take care, Princess Sophie."


I conceived for the fifth time on mine and River's anniversary and I felt, as River's essence mixed with mine, that this was it. While I wasn't taken back to the Moon Goddess' courtyard, I could feel her presence around us, blessing the union of our bodies.

Amelia was born when winter was making way for spring. She was almost as strong as Jameson, as quiet as Jarick. I was in labor for no more than two hours, and I never felt physically stronger in my life than during those couple of hours I was waiting for her to introduce herself to us.

When the nurse placed her on my bosom, I looked into her beautiful baby face and I told her, "I love you, my dear Mia. And I'm so very sorry for what is to come."


It was a surprise to River and I when I got pregnant with Jessie. We had assumed that Mia would be our last child but it was less than a year after Mia was born when Dr. Ryan confirmed that I was carrying.

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