Chapter Seven. Mating

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We were back in the palace, me and mother were having tea while River and father were meeting with our trusted warriors. Lena and I spent our final days saying goodbye to those we met in the village while River corresponded with his pack in America, requesting for some time to get to know his mate.

Lena sent a missive to mother and father as soon as River and I left the cafe, informing them that I had met my mate. They sent one of our guards to tell us go back to the palace as soon as we can, and for River to maintain the secrecy of my identity. River informed his pack Alpha that he had met me while I was working at a German inn and that as werewolf customs went, we were going to travel to my parent's pack to pay our respects.

I asked my mate why he was so far from his pack and he explained that he was sent to the Alpha Convention happening two towns over in his future Alpha's stead. According to him, Andrew, his future Alpha, had met his mate just before he was supposed to leave. Andrew, it seemed, was one spoiled wolf, not even considering going to his mate's old pack to meet her parents.

This was a tradition in our world. Since the status of mate pairs was determined by the mate having the higher status, they were to go to the other mate's pack to give time to that mate to bid her family and pack farewell. The Mating Ceremony could be held in either pack, though, so long as it was with the consent of both parties. Most of the time, the Ceremony would be held in the pack of the mate who was going to transfer for the simple reason that mates couldn't wait to complete the matebond. So with River telling his Alpha that we were going to my parents before going to America, it was implied that River had the higher status. This was another idea of my parents in order to protect my identity.

"I like the way he looks at you, Sophie," mother told me with a gentle smile. "It reminds me of what I see when I look at your father. I see great things for your future."

I smiled back at her and took a sip of my tea.

"Are you ready for the Mating Ceremony?"

"I can't wait, mother. I feel like I've been both waiting for dreading the day I find my mate and now here we are."

"I have to be honest, I'm a bit disappointed that your father and I couldn't retire soon."

This was another decision that was made by my parents once they knew that I had found River. When we got to the palace, they said that this was advised by the Temple Seers, and I told them that the Moon Goddess told me as much. My mother was taken aback when I told them this, as the Moon Goddess didn't speak with wolves who were not Seers, but we all concluded that the circumstances were such that she had to reach out to me personally.

"Come now, mother. No one can do better than you and father. And besides, you've only held the crown for half the time grandpére and grandmére have," I chided.

"You'll understand when it comes time for you and your mate to rule," she sighed.

Our heads turned when we heard the door opening. The palace was built to be almost soundproof to guarantee that wolf hearing couldn't violate the privacy afforded within its walls. I saw father's eyes hone in on mother, who quickly got up and crossed the room to get to him.

I also stood, knowing that River was not far behind. Much like our King, River's eyes were for none but me. He was also the one to cross the room to get to my side and placed a searing kiss on my lips.

"The mating ceremony would be in two days. I have invited the other Royal families to attend, but that is as far as the visitor list goes."

"Why?" I asked father.

"To ensure the security of your identity, mon chaton. The other Royals know why we need to keep it a secret."

We all had a bit of dinner after and mother and father left to do their Royal duties while River and I went for a run.

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