Chapter Eight. Alpha

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It's been a year and three months since River and I went to the Victory pack. He introduced me as his mate to Alpha Fabian and Luna Esther. When River told him that I was a latent wolf, I expected to see disgust in the Alpha's eyes, since latency among wolves was considered a disease, a punishment handed down by the Moon Goddess for some wrong in a past, ancient life. To my surprise though, there was nothing but understanding and sympathy there. Instead of recoiling from me, Alpha Fabian took both my hands and said, "Welcome, dear Sophie."

I found out much later, however, that the pack had a different view as to latent wolves. I felt judging eyes on me whenever I would mingle with the pack. It didn't help that my mate apparently had a gaggle of she-wolves that had been vying for his attention since he was younger. It was only River's status that spared me from outright jeers, and the close attention Alpha Fabian paid his wolves whenever we were in his presence. Alpha Fabian did not countenance acts and languages of hate among his pack.

My supposed latency was the brainchild of father. Since River had already given my name to his Alpha prior to us returning to the pack, the name of the Crown Princess of the Rose Throne, we had to ensure that any whispers of my true identity would be silenced.

Chieftess Hialeah gave me the recipe for a concoction that, while it would not suppress my wolf, would mask my scent. This was an important step as father and mother were so proud when I first shifted that all the Kingdoms celebrated along with us.

Lena was also tasked with pretending to be me, so that no rumors of the princess being absent from the palace would arise. Lastly, all the Kings and Queens installed several of their trusted warriors to bear my name around the world, to make it appear that it was commonplace.

Today marked the fifth month of my pregnancy. Since wolves carried for six months, and since I was known as a latent wolf, Alpha Fabian had ordered that I stay at home and not attend any functions, lest I risk myself and my unborn child should any random rogue attack take place.

It has happened before, in fact the first week we were here. I was being introduced to the Master Warriors who trained young wolves in battle and there was suddenly an alarm sounding throughout the pack lands. I remembered seeing River's gaze snapping to me, his eyes widening when he realized that I couldn't risk shifting, since that would give our secret away.

I knew something he didn't, though. I had been training as an archer since I was ten years old and had become very proficient at it.

Upon hearing the alarm, and after sending a confident smile my mate's way, I quickly ran to the wall where a number of bows and arrows were hanging. I quickly donned a quiver and prepared to let my arrow fly at the first sign of danger.

The moment the first rogue broke through the tree line, I let my arrow loose and my aim was true. I shot arrow after arrow, each of them finding their target. It was enough for the rogues to become confused enough to hesitate in their attack, giving time for Alpha Fabian and his warriors to come to our aid.

When the last of the rogues had fled, Alpha Fabian went to me, winked, and said, "You're full of surprises, young wolf."

Ever since I reached the fourth month of my pregnancy, while Alpha Fabian had great trust in my archery skill, he mandated that I stay in mine and River's home. This was ordered of all females who was at least four months pregnant, to keep them safer than if they were just walking about on the pack grounds.

I was preparing dinner when I heard the door slam open and hit the wall. I ran to the front of the house and saw a fuming River removing his training gear and the weapons he wore.

"Mon Amour, is everything okay?" I asked him.

He looked at me and he shook his head.

"Oh, love, come here," I went to him and hugged him tight, wanting to take whatever it was that was ailing him.

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