Bucky Barnes x Reader~ Jealousy

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Pairings: Fatws Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: Bucky is jealous because John Walker flirts with his girl.

Warnings: LANGUAGE, John Walker, mentions of sex, slight gore

Warnings: LANGUAGE, John Walker, mentions of sex, slight gore

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Bucky stared at John who didn't look like he would ever stop staring at (Y/n).

Of course, Bucky wouldn't admit that he was jealous, but you could see it quickly.

Yes, (Y/n) wasn't in a relationship but Bucky would give anything to keep her to himself but that would only ruin their good friendship.

(Y/n) often stayed with him even after the missions.

When they lived in the Stark Tower they shared a room.

Well and that ended up pretty often in other things but neither of the two had admitted that they loved each other.

If (Y/n) even liked him as much as Bucky liked her.

She was perfect and always there for him when he needed something.

Be it the relief of pleasure or if he just needed some comfort.

There wasn't anything she wouldn't do for Bucky- Just so that this wanna be Captain America would undress her with his eyes.

Bucky wished there wasn't this second rule from his therapist at that point.

(Y/n) sat in the middle between Bucky and Sam who had slipped close together.

She looked at the floor and ignored the bit of blood that trickled from her nose onto the floor until she wiped the blood away with her sleeve.

There was an uncomfortable silence till John shifted a bit in his seat to meet Bucky's eyes that were narrowed angrily.

"Is your friend always staring like that?" He asked and glanced over to Sam who shrugged.

"You'll get used to it." He said and didn't look at John, who's look was on (Y/n) who had leaned a little against Bucky.

Bucky didn't hesitate and gently put his arm around her waist to hold her.

She had taken quite a bit in the fight and she looked pretty exhausted. Usually she talked a lot and joked with Sam and Bucky, but she was silent.

Either she was quiet about Walker and Hoskins, or she really wasn't feeling well.

To be honest, Bucky also noticed how tired she was.

Maybe he should go to his apartment with her and let her rest.

When Bucky glanced over at (Y/n) he saw that her eyes were closed. Maybe it was better to leave her alone for now.

"Your pretty little friend should thank me? Without me, she would surely have died." John spoke after a while.

When Bucky heard this he raised his head and stared at him with disbelieve. 

Everything in that sentence was wrong. "Don't call her that and she can take good care of herself. She doesn't need a fake Captain America who wants to play her hero." He hissed angrily and it took everything out of him not to hit him.

"I have to agree with Bucky. keep it down. She isn't feeling well as you might see." Sam said a bit worriedly. You didn't have to be a doctor to see that she was exhausted and just wanted to get home.

"If I can't play her hero then don't play her boyfriend, I thought she can take care of herself?" John snapped and Bucky rolled his eyes. He was using his words against him.

"Stop it." (Y/n) mumbled. "Thanks John... for helping me." Bucky felt how his blood boiled when he saw that John smirked at her, he could see the lust in his eyes.

He knew that look from himself. 

That was how he looked at (Y/n) before they were all over each other.

"No problem sweetheart, I can also help you with other things." He said and his fucking smile got bigger.

Even Lemar seemed to not like the way his friend was acting.

Meanwhile (Y/n) seemed to ignore his comment but Bucky had enough and asked the driver to stop before he got out of the car.

"I do not believe it."

"Bucky come on..." Sam said and looked at him.

"No, first he tries to pretend he's Steve and tries to replace him- which won't work out anyways and now- Now he is having this attitude and the audacity to be so sexual around (Y/n)!!!" He huffed and turned around.

"Hey, Bucky, come on. I was just joking... You're jealous because you couldn't safe her!!! Just admit it." He yelled after him.

(Y/n) who meanwhile had crossed her arms got up to follow Bucky. 

When she had to choose a side, she was always with Bucky. No matter what happened.

"See you guys, I can't leave this troublemaker alone." She said smiling slightly at Lemar and John before she ran after Bucky.

"Buck what was this attitude... I know you don't like him but you should give him a chance. He's just doing his job."

He turned to her with a jerk.  there was a dark look on his face. 

"Is flirting with you part of it?" He asked angrily. "First he grabs Steve's shield and then you."

(Y/n) sighed. "I know that you miss Steve and all but he wouldn't like you being stubborn right now. And don't act like we're dating!" She said a bit sternly this time.

"Look- Even when we're not together, I love you, okay? You were always there for me and I just can't watch him pull Steve's legacy in the mud and then try to take you away from me I- I don't want that to happen. Steve and you have always been the most important people to me." All of Bucky's feelings poured out of him at once and he bowed his head in humiliation.

"Sorry Bucky..." (Y/n) mumbled softly and took both of his hands in hers.

When she looked into Bucky's eyes she saw that he was about to cry.

It hurt a lot to see him like that especially since she could understand how he felt.

Because even if that suddenly came out of nowhere, (Y/n) also developed feelings for Bucky.

She can't blame herself though.

Bucky was caring, gentle, and handsome. He had always been perfect in her eyes.

She knew from the beginning that he wasn't a bad person.

When Buck was announced dead, Steve always told her stories about himself and Bucky.

It was a shock to them when they both found out that he was still alive but was now being used as a weapon for HYDRA.

She also stayed on Captain America's team. This man wasn't a bad person. He just needed someone to help him

"I love you too." She finally said

The guilty look on Bucky's face softened, before he pulled her into a sudden, yet passionate kiss.

Of course it wasn't the first time they had kissed but this time it was different, knowing that there were actual feelings behind it.

After a while they pulled away to catch some breath, both of them smiling at each other softly before their attention turned to their friend.

"Stop making out, we've got to kick some flag smasher's ass." Sam joked, catching up to them.

Bucky laughed and wrapped his metal arm around (Y/n), pulling her close, and his other arm around Sam.

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