Ex Wifey Meet Wifey.

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She hadn't been working in almost 3 weeks. At this point Kassi felt like she was unemployed. Even though she wasn't. The woman was simply suspended. But she also simply felt like she was loosing her mind a piece at a time. There was only so many times that she could clean Brantley's house over and over again. Especially considering half the time when she was cleaning it the house wasn't even messy. Especially when Barrett wasn't around and it was just the two of them.

She sighed as she picked up a few of the couch pillows. Spraying them down with Febreeze she put them back in their usual place and then went back to straightening up the living room. Dressed simply in a pair of dark gray Nike Dri Fit pro shorts with a black band. A baggy gray t shirt. Barefoot showing off the Blue Chrome color from her recent pedicure. She sighed. The woman was just flat out bored.

She had also only been officially stayiing with Brantley for just the past few weeks. Even though her apartment was full of the stuff that belonged to her. Most of her clothes hung in the closet mixed among the clothes that belonged to Brantley. Her husband. It was still weird to her to admit she had a husband! That she was someone's wife! That she had vowed to be with someone the rest of her life. She was the first person that would never expect that to happen to her.

Speaking of Brantley. He had been in and out of the house all week. He had been spending a lot of time down in Alabama for the past week or so. He had a meeting with some potential investors. He had meetings to discuss more tours. The hunt schedule for next season. Plus apparently Doe breeding was taking place. Who knew right? Kassi knew that once she stepped foot onto the farm ever single time. She felt like a lost girl and had no clue what was going on around her. Call it being raised in the city way to much! Even though she was born and raised in Georgia that woman did not have one ounce of country bumpkin blood in her system. So what Brantley did Brantley did alone. Kassi would just sit around and listen to the process and try not to zone out a half a dozen times.

Again speaking of Brantley. He was due home in just a few hours. He had texted Kassi earlier telling her that he was already on the road for home. Which to Kassi was a good thing! With her husband home she wouldn't be as bored as she was now. Just a little less bored. Shaking her head with a smile she dropped her phone onto the coffee table.

Walking into the kitchen she grabbed a diet Dr. Pepper out of the fridge and walked back into the living room. Flopping down on the couch she grabbed the Direct Tv remote and turned on an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians she had recorded. Something she didn't watch when Brantley was around. Considering all the man did was complain the entire time it was on. Making it hard for Kassi to hear it. With a smile of contentment she pressed play and got comfortable.

Half way through the show she was completely engrossed. It had officially pulled her in! She wasn't getting up until the show was over! Or so she thought. Sighing she heard the knock on the front door.

"Coming!" Kassi sighed as she pressed the pause button on the tv remote. Shaking her head she had no idea who it could possibly be. She knew that it wasn't a delivery person. She hadn't ordered anything and if Brantley had ordered something he would have texted her and told her to be waiting for it.

Right? Kassi sighed as she heard the knock again.

"Hold on a second! I'm coming!" Kassi yelled as she jogged up to the door and opened it. Not prepared for what was on the other side. She watched as the brunette colored haired woman with Barrett on her hip looked at her.

"Who are you?" Amber said as she looked at her up and down. Kassi looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she crossed her arms. If this woman was trying to intimidate her it wasn't going to work.

"I'm Kassidy and you are?" She raised her eyebrow again as she looked at the woman. Neither watching as the black truck pulled into the driveway. Brantley swallowed as he looked out the window. This is not how he envisioned their first meeting to be.

"I'm Amber Brantley's ex wife. Are you the houskeeper or something?"

Kassi looked at the woman with a shocked expression on face. She grabbed onto her chest lightly. Brantley jogged from the truck. The man didn't even walk. He was in a full jog..

"Housekeeper? I'm black so I'm the housekeeper?" She smirked. Wrong... "Sweetie I'm his wife."

Brantley slid onto the porch slowly as he looked at both women.

"Ex wife.. Meet... Wife." 

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