Alone With You.

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When they left Atlanta it had been just around 11. On the way home Brantley had his bus driver stop at a Chipotle that was connected to a rest stop. After spending 40.00 there they were on their way home. Pulling up the driveway around 12:30. Brantley wheeled both suitcases inside and Kassi was quite content just carrying the food in. She thought she just wanted her bed.

Now here she stood in a pair of short thin cotton shorts. One of Brantley's Nike T shirts. Standing on her tip toes in her barefeet as she was emptying their suitcases into the washer. She had just went into the bathroom. Did her night time skin care and took her hair out of the two braids it had been in. So she had curly wavy hair everywhere. Shaking her hair out of her face again she stood up on her tip toes trying to reach the glass of scent jar beads that she had made Brantley put up in the first place.

Brantley was walking past the laundry room on his way to the bedroom. He had shut everything off and locked everything up. Now after the excitement wore off he was more than ready to get into his bed and sleep for about 18 hours.

He smirked as he watched his wife struggle with her height. It had easily become one of his favorite things to do. Even though it got him hit on a constant basis when he brought it up. He walked into the room grabbing a scoopful from the jar and sliding it back. Kassi rolled her eyes as he slapped her hard on the ass as he handed the scoop to her.

"You comin to bed? And ya know you didn't have to do this right now." He muttered as he tossed his arm around her. Kissing her temple lightly. Kassi rolled her eyes as she sprinkled the scent beads across their dirty laundry. "Well you don't have to slap my ass every time you see me but ya do anyways and yes I know. But if I don't start it now I'm just going to wake up to it in the morning. I would rather not do that". She muttered as she closed the lid on the washer and pressed the start button.

She looked up at him with a smile. "Yeah I'm ready for food and sleep now." Brantley smiled at her as he drug her down the hall to their bedroom.

 Once they got into the bedroom Kassi rolled her eyes yet again as Brantley pressed the code into his gun locker. Once he unlocked it he walked back to her carrying a small black box. He cracked it open with a smirk. Kassi snarled her lip up as she looked at him. "This is so dumb! You know this right?! I'm a grown ass woman. I should be able to keep my wedding ring on my finger ya know?" She muttered as she slipped her ring off and put it into the box with an eye roll. Brantley smiled at her as he snapped the box closed.

"Yeah well.. I'm not comfortable with you losing a hundred thousand dollar ring either." He muttered as he walked over to the gun case and sat the small box on the top shelf before closing the safe behind him.

Kassi rolled her eyes as she walked up behind him. Wrapping her arms around his torso. She placed a kiss on each one of his shoulder blades. Watching with enjoyment as she watched the goose bumps appear on his skin.

 "It happened one time." She muttered into his shoulder blade with a smile. Besides we found it tangled in the blankets of the bed like 5 minutes later!" She giggled as he turned around and locked his arms around her. "Maybe if you didn't get the diamond so fucking big we wouldn't have to worry about it." She smirked as she stood up on her tip toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Brantley smirked back at her as he slapped his hands against her ass hard.

"Ow! You asshole." She hissed as he kissed her jaw line. Down to her neck. Kassi closed her eyes biting down on her bottom lip to enjoy the feelings going through her body.

 She bit her bottom lip so hard she felt like she could taste blood as she watched Brantley raise her left leg up to hook around his waist. Then she watched in slow motion as he repeated the process with her right leg. Kassi let out a small yelp as she felt herself being lifted completely off the ground. She giggled as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Locking eyes as he walked them towards the bed. Neither one spoke. Neither one lost eye contact. Kassi never stopped biting down on her bottom lip when he laid her on the bed. He looked down at her before he took his shirt off and tossed it across the room.

"Fuck me.." Kassi muttered. She had seen this man naked dozens of time but as he stripped slower and slower she then realized that she didn't think that she would ever get tired of it.

Brantley smirked down at her. "Trust me baby.. I plan on it." He muttered as he yanked her shorts and lace panties off in one swoop without even trying. Kassi watched as those were also thrown over his shoulder as he crawled onto the bed. Nudging her thighs apart with his knee. Kassi let her own breath catch in her chest as she watched every single movement her husband was making.

 Brantley looked down at her and without warning pushed 2 fingers inside of her. Kassi hissed loudly taking a deep breath in and holding it. Watching as he moved in and out. Up and down slowly. "Oh baby" He muttered. "Soaked already? The fun hasn't even started yet." He whispered as he continued. Listening to the small moans and whimpers escape Kassi's mouth. She was close.. She could feel it. She knew he could feel it. Closing her eyes about to enjoy the movement she bolted up in shock when he pulled his fingers out.

"What the fuck?!" She almost yelled. Then she looked up. Trying her best not to roll her eyes she watched as her husband stuck a finger into his mouth. Licking it clean. "Well I'll be damned." He muttered as he locked eyes with her.

In that moment Kassi knew she was in for a long ass night.

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