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chapter 8 was posted today as well; enjoy the double update!!

"Perseus Jackson."

Taking a deep breath, the demigod walks up the three steps that guide him onto the stage. His head is held up high, his spine is straight, and a crooked smile hides his nerves. The folds of his graduation gown hide the hands fidgeting by his sides, and he comes to a stop in the center of the platform. The faces in the audience behind the graduating class are almost indistinguishable, but Percy can make out his mother holding her phone up with a wide smile.

"Percy has been a student here for four years," the principal speaks into the microphone on the podium, and Percy discreetly drums his fingers along his thigh, a nervous habit developed over time. "He competed in our swim team for the past two, ultimately winning first place at the state championship."

A few claps and cheers sound from other members of the team, and a quiet chuckle escapes his lips. "Percy plans to major in marine biology —"

If they seriously think that Percy is going to college right after this, they've got another thing coming their way. Maybe after a gap year or two.

"— and his favorite memory of high school is the junior year trip to the history museum, which is where he discovered a love for the complex cultural histories of ancient civilizations."

Oh, if only they knew just how important that trip was to him. Percy tries to hide the knowing, and possibly geekish, smile that begins to creep onto his face.

"Percy says, 'Senioritis is something that I definitely can't describe without it being inappropriate —'" chuckles come from the audience, and the tension in Percy's shoulders lessens, "'— so I'll leave it at this: ew.'"

The light sounds of amusement are replaced by a roar of laughter, and the principal pauses to allow it. Percy shakes his head to strengthen his point, prompting more noise from everyone. When it quiets down, the principal continues to speak:

"'And now, after it seemed to last forever, it's all done. I want to extend my thanks to my closest friends. Grover, (Y/N), and Annabeth, you are the reasons I somehow kept my sanity in times when I should have lost my mind.'"

Percy grits his jaw to keep it from trembling, and he puts on his go-to lie of a smile.

"'I also want to thank my English teacher, Mr. Blofis.'"

Paul blinks in surprise.

Percy searches for him in the teachers' section, grinning when he meets his eye.

"'Your constant help has been incredible and so helpful. I definitely wouldn't have made it onto this stage without it.'"

Paul sends a thumb's up in Percy's direction, feeling the familiar gaze of Sally Jackson on him, and he turns his head to the side. She smiles at him, mouthing a 'thank you' from behind her phone.

"'But most importantly,'" the principal continues in Percy's words, "'I want to thank my mom. You've supported me through everything, and I couldn't be more grateful. Late-night cookies and math tutoring definitely paid off.'"

Percy can tell that Sally has a few proud tears rolling down her face, and he sends a genuine, comforting smile in her direction. She wipes her cheeks, making sure her phone is held steady as she records the moment.

"'I love you, and I cannot thank you enough for all the help you've given me. Please send me weekly batches of cookies when I'm gone. That is all I ask.'," Sally laughs, shaking her head in amusement as the rest of the audience chuckles. "'Thank you, Mom.'"

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