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Rise now has over 3k votes and Fall has hit 1k+ and 30k reads, thank you so so much for your support during my scattered updates—i'm trying my best to crank out chapters in my free time!

the notifications i've gotten over this period haven't failed to make me smile; i'm serious when i say that it means the world. <3

here's a fun little filler and some tumblr memes that i hope you enjoy :)

"Oh, excuse me, sorry."

Percy looks up as he walks through the narrow hallway, turning to the side to allow more room for one of the skeleton crew members approaching from the opposite end to move past him. The skeleton's jaw clacks awkwardly as it nods in thanks, and the son of Poseidon hides his slight discomfort with a forced smile.

Percy looks around, passing a closed door on his right, which he remembers has been reserved for Clarisse. Drumming his hands lightly along his legs as he walks, he peeks inside some of the other cabins, noticing that all of them have the same bland (and incredibly old) layout. One door at the farthest end of the hallway remains shut, however, and with his interest piqued, Percy moves over towards it.

Instinctively, his breathing softens and footfalls become silent as a muffled voice passes through the room's thick door. He realizes it to be (Y/N)'s, his brow furrowing at the words he can hear from his slight distance.

"Look, stop complaining. Everything's gonna work out fine, okay?"

She must be Iris Messaging someone, as another voice sounds, only this one is far more hushed and completely impossible for Percy to make out.

Against his better judgement and the nagging of his conscience, Percy strains his hearing to pick up the words being said. All he hears is the faint baritone of a male voice on the other end of (Y/N)'s rainbow, but nothing truly distinguishable.

"I told you, I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about," (Y/N) says, and Percy can visualize her rubbing the bridge of her nose at her tone of voice.

'Just walk away, just walk away, just—'

"You hold up your end of the deal, and I hold up mine."

Percy tilts his head, utterly confused, as he turns back to the door. What deal could she possibly be talking about?

The distant male voice speaks again, still just a muffled sound through the wood.

(Y/N) sighs, but a soft chuckle follows after. "You'll be fine," she says, and her next words grow a fraction in volume, almost as though she has turned to project her voice towards the cabin door. "Look, I'll call you when I can later, okay?"

A response from the male.

"Sure thing, Will. Bye."

Percy relaxes.

He jumps in surprise when the door a few feet away swings open, revealing (Y/N). She leans against the doorframe, looking at Percy with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

He gives her a sheepish smile.

(Y/N) shakes her head, motioning towards the inside of the room in a gesture for him to enter. Percy shuffles his feet as he walks inside the small cabin, finding it exactly the same as the others in the hall. A thin bed with a rusting iron frame is nailed to the floor, pressed against the wall; a small wooden dresser accessorizes the corner of the room, less than an inch away from the foot of the bed; and a tiny porthole window above the uncomfortable-looking, ancient mattress allows the early evening light to flood inside the space.

Fall (Percy Jackson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now