Chapter 2

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The team are scheduled to meet at Wayne Manor in the late afternoon, so they decided to spend the day in Gotham City to hang out before flying over to the manor, as per usual Robin is not there with them. They decided to go to a mall, a usual hangout spot for Artemis and her friends.

Miss Martian: "So this is Gotham City, it's so big compared to Happy Harbor," she said in awe.

Zatanna: "And it's a nice day too, if you were taking a first glance, you'd forget how crime-ridden Gotham is"

Artemis: "That's Gotham alright," she said in response

Aqualad: "It is most definitely better during the day than at night"

The team all shiver as they are reminded of the night they had to chase a clay monster in the Gotham sewers. Zatanna looks at them with an eyebrow raised but decides not to ask.

Wally: "Don't remind us" he said, grabbing his stomach as if he was going to puke.

Superboy: "So what do you do at malls besides buy things?"

Miss Martian: "Oh! You can hang out with friends at the food court or uhh go to an arcade uhhh... someone help me out here"

Artemis: "No you got the gist of it, Megan, buy things, eat food and hang out"

Wally: "Can we go to the food court please?" Wally said with a pout in his mouth and doing his best attempt at puppy eyes.

Zatanna: "I don't see why not?"

Wally: "Yes!"

The team all walk over to the food court, grabbing their desired food and decide to eat in an outdoor courtyard outside the mall.

Zatanna: "Not going to lie, I am kind of nervous about going to the manor"

Artemis: "Yea it's a really big place, I never got used to it, the worst thing that'll happen is you getting lost on your way to the bathroom"

Megan: "Woh Artemis have you been there before?"

Artemis: "Yea, I crashed  Richard's fourteenth birthday party a couple of months ago in early December"

Wally: "Woh that's crazy, crashing a rich kids birthday party, I could never"

Artemis: "It's not like he didn't know who I was, but I wasn't, how should I put this, 'formally invited'"

As the team continues to chat, Superboy suddenly looks away from the team, everyone immediately takes note and stops talking.

Aqualad: "What is it Connor?"

Superboy: "I hear... loud rumbling headed in this direction"

The team feel the earth beneath them trembling, they finally see the cause, 4 large cars pulling by the courtyard. The cars all stop and out comes from what appears to be Bane, along with some goons.

The team takes defensive positions and gets ready to attack when suddenly they see the bat-mobile drive-by, coming out is Batman ejected out and landing across from Bane and his goons.

Bane: "Ahh Batman, it has been a while amigo, where is your little niño"

As soon as Bane finished his taunt, out from the courtyards intercoms was a very familiar laugh. The team are shocked by the familiar cackle of their youngest member.

The sound of a plane comes roaring in, up in the sky was the Bat-plane inching closer to the ground. As it comes within the vicinity of the confrontation out fly's Robin landing next to his mentor.

Robin: "Heard you missed me" As he speaks, he takes out his escrima sticks and takes an attack position.

Bane: "Now this will be exciting"

Bane and his goons charge at the dynamic duo, Batman and Robin immediately react and engage the criminals.

The team are awe-struct; this is the first time they had seen the dynamic duo work together in action. The coordination, footwork, and seemingly telepathic communication between the two was a sight to behold.

The duo easily take out the goons and even weaken Bane enough to make him retreat back.

Robin raises his hands up to Batman, "Do it"

The team collectively ponders as to what that means but it would be answered shortly as Batman picks up the Boy Wonder, spins him around, and launches him in Bane's direction.

Bane still running see's a shadow forming on him, he turns around and looks up franticly, Robin was up in the air, hands extended outwards holding his black cape, as he makes his way downward, he clenches his fist, punching and completely knocking out Bane. The huge body collapses on the ground, Robin pulls out Banes tubes and makes a nauseous face.

Robin: "He is definitely not feeling the aster"

-Small Time Skip-

It does not take long for the police to show up, alongside everyone's favorite Commissioner Gordon. As the police are arresting the criminals, he approaches the duo.

Gordon: "I don't know what this city would do without you two, thank you for taking them out before they could do any real damage"

The Team are close enough to hear the conversation.

Robin: "All in a day's work," he said with his hands on his hips and his signature smirk.

Batman: "If you get any other leads, you know how to reach us"

Gordon: "Of course, now if you excuse me, I have some paperwork to fill out"

The Team decides to approach the duo but before they could say anything the duo take out their grappling hooks, aim at the sky, and hook onto the Bat-plane that is flying by and get zipped away. They both go into the cockpit and make their way back to the manor.

Robin: "You think the team enjoyed the show?"

Batman: "If that's what you want to call it"

Robin laughs but then proceeds to yawn, "hey aren't you forgetting something?"

Batman: "Oh yeah" He presses a button on his utility belt, putting the bat-mobile on autopilot on course to the Bat-Cave.

-Back to the Team-

Artemis: "Well that was certainly a spectacle"

Megan: "I know! I knew Batman and Robin were close but that was amazing!"

Aqualad: "The teamwork and coordination between the two was most admirable, I'm sure the rest of us will eventually reach that level one day"

Wally: "That's the dynamic duo, they get all the cool gadgets too"

Aqualad: "Let us make our leave, it is almost time to meet the Wayne's"

A/N: Hello! Reminder to please leave any feedback or criticism that you may have, thank you!

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