Chapter 9 - Father's Day

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A/N: Hello ya'll! This was supposed to be released on Fathers Day 6/20/21 but got a little delayed! For the music section of this chapter feel free to use this link: to better hear what it is supposed to sound like. anyways hope you enjoy!

It had been six days since Dick and Wally announced their relationship to the team. The two have only grown closer each day and their relationship was thriving thanks to the supportive environment fostered by the team and Alfred. Since the incident at the school, there have not been any recent attempts from the League of Shadows but the team's guard was maintained.

Today was a special day... it was Father's Day, and Dick had spent months working on a special song he wrote for his adoptive father, Bruce Wayne. It was a special day as well because Bruce Wayne was actually home this time instead of dealing with his company or handling Justice League business, however, he would still be working in his study while in the manor.

It is around noon, Aqualad and Superboy are watching the perimeter outside while  Artemis, Zatanna, and Megan are hanging out in the living room as Alfred dusts some antiques and bookshelves while Wally is sitting on the couch with Dick laying down and resting his head on Wally's lap.  Suddenly a knock is heard from the door and Alfred goes to answer it.

Alfred: "Ah Good Afternoon Miss Gordon, please come in."

Barbara: "Good Morning Alfred!" She waves at the butler as she enters the manor, seeing her best friend and the group of superheroes protecting him, "Good afternoon everyone" as she greets everyone she notices Dick laying on Wally's lap, "Ah I see you two are still being quite friendly with each other" she said, winking at the two.

Wally: "Hah, it can't be helped," he said shrugging while giving a massive grin.

Dick: "Hey Babs, also he's right, it can't be helped," he said while winking back at her playfully.

Megan: "Good afternoon Barbara! It's nice to see you again!"

Artemis: "Hey Barbara," she said waving to her.

Zatanna: "Hello Barbara, how have you been?"

Barbara:" I've been doing great, school's been kicking my butt recently but other than that no problems, how have things been around the manor?"

Artemis: "Thankfully nothing has happened since the incident at school, but we still have our guards up, Aqualad and Superboy are watching perimeter right now."

Barbara: "That's good to hear, maybe that means Dickie here can go back to school sooner... speaking of which," she turns and faces her best friend and Wally, "How are my two favorite lovebirds doing?"

Dick: "We've been great, glad that awkward period before we started dating ending relatively quickly"

Wally: "hmmm Dickie..." he whispers to himself, Wally tilts his head down to face Dick, "Can I call you Dickie?"

Dick: "No," he said immediately after Wally finished speaking and with a serious tone.

Wally: "Aww I thought it was a cute little nickname," he pouts and looks sad.

Dick: "...okay... you can call me Dickie" he said softly in a defeated voice. He couldn't stand seeing Wally sad so he caved in.

Wally: "YAAAAY Thanks babe!" he said as he lifted Dicks head upwards to peck him on the lips, setting him back down on his lap afterward.

Barbara: "Wooow look at you two sheeeeeeeeesh, get a room" she said sarcastically.

Artemis: "Girrrrrl you have no idea these two have been like this practically 24/7"

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