Chapter 2 ~ This Isn't What It Looks Like

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A/N: I apologize for any grammar/spelling errors. If you notice any major ones, please PM me and I will fix them.  Remember to vote, comment and add if you haven't already. Love you all and enjoy you the book! XOXO, HM! <33


3rd Person POV

Rebekah lets out a groan, her head thumping and pounding. Her eyes flutter open, and she squeezes them shut before reopening them. She places a hand over her neck, and groans again pain shooting through her body. She sits up, and pulls a leaf out of her hair. She then cracks her neck, and lets a breath of relief out when everything goes back in place.

"This is why I hate the bloody bayou." She clenches her teeth together, and everything in her backpack is strewn about. Sighing, Rebekah clammers around gathering her things and putting them in her backpack. She grabs a bottle of blood, but when she does that a glint of silver catches her eye. Wrinkling her brows, she picks it up and runs her fingers of it.

A strange symbol is engraved on the head of the key, and smaller symbols engraved on the sides. The key looks like it belongs in the medieval era, but it is shiny and looks new. Almost like it was bought a toy store, except the weight of it rules out a toy of some sorts. Sighing, Rebekah decides to put it in her backpack until she gets home and can look up the symbols. She zippers up her bag, before standing up and swinging it over one shoulder. She then trudges off in the direction she was going in the first place.

After another forty to forty five minutes, Rebekah reaches an empty field. She lets out a breath, and sips her blood out of the blue water bottle. She looks around, but doesn't see any houses or sign of life. Then she spots it. Out of the clearing, on a low hill, tucked behind a furrow of bushes, shrubs, and poisonous plants, is a cabin.

With a grin, Rebekah vamp speeds towards it. She touches something and her skin burns, causing her to jump back in surprise and pain. She looks at her blistering hand, and cringes inwardly. Her hand starts to heal, and she bites her lip to keep from yelling out. "Vervain." She says, and looks up at the house. Only now does she notice that the house is surrounded by vervain and wolfs bane plants. "Crap!"

Rebekah pulls a pair of fashionable gloves out of her backpack, and carefully puts them on. She then straightens her back, and carefully makes her way to the front door. She moves around a plant, and holds up her hands to keep from touching it. The plant brushes against her jeans, and luckily it doesn't burn her skin. Looking up, she notices a maze like pattern where the vervain blocks the path to the front door. Once she gets through the maze ten minutes later, she lets out a breath of relief.

She then walks over to the door, making sure to watch her every step to be sure that she doesn't touch any vervain. She reaches the big, oak door, and her fingers touch the cool brass doorknob, and trails over the odd shaped key hole. Rebekah places one hand on the doorknob, and attempts to open the door, only to find it locked.

Her first thought is to kick it in, and then she notices a symbol on the door; two black rectangles with a black empty circle in the middle, and in the center of the circle is an X. A cipher that means Do not enter. She would of ignored it, if it wasn't outlined in burned wood. Burned wood around a cipher means hex. Rebekah thinks to herself in an agitated way, and sighs crossing her arms over her chest, speculating what would happen if she did kick the door in. Turned to ash? Burnt? Thrown backwards? Or maybe... Nothing would happen. Damn witches. She sighs and rattles the doorknob, before she decides to do the most mundane thing she can think of. Knock.

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