Chapter 6 ~ My Undead Heart

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A/N: Picks up right when the last chapter left off. Enjoy! Remember to vote, comment and add. The chapter is in Adriana's POV. Also, the rest of the book isn't spelling/grammar checked, so I will be fixing that eventually. For now, enjoy the chapter and tell me what you think!-- Hayley

I stare out the window of the plane, watching the world move by and the place I've called home for the past few months disappear behind me. Despite being happy to return home to my family, a million thoughts are running through my head at once.

What if they don't like this new body?

What if they don't believe me?

What if they hate me for not showing them I'm alive? Will they ever forgive me? Or even understand?

How can  I fix this mess? It's not one that I even meant to start, but here we are... Maybe all I do is screw things up...

No. I can't afford to think like that. This is a war, and in a war, tough decisions have to be made. Just like Dad always tried to tell me. Family comes before everything, and the safety of our family is more important then anyone or anything. I learned that the hard way, after all...

A soft voice yanks me out of my thoughts, and I look up at the source. Danielle, my right-hand woman is standing over me holding a cup of tea and a plate of scones.

"Tea and a scone for the distant one?" she smiles and slides into the seat in front of me, setting the tea and scones on the table. She picks up a scone and takes a bite, her blue eyes brightening.

"Thanks, Dani," I take a scone off the plate, "and I know I've been kind of crazy lately. It's just this whole... Family thing. It's complicated and... I don't know what to expect."

She nods understandingly and leans forward in her seat. "Ade, I don't know your family. Only what you've told me and what the pack says about them when your not around... The notorious Mikaelson family. If they got over killing each other, they'll get over this. You just have to give them time."

I nod and nibble at the scone, trying to process everything. No longer wanting to talk about my family and possibly impending doom, I change the subject. "How is the pack doing?" I look up at her, only wanting to know the truth. And Danielle was the only one that was going to give it.

She sighs and fidgets leaning back in the chair, "You mean what are they saying?" At my nod she continues, "Well, they're worried. The last time you were in the city you died, and now that their lives literally depend on you... They're worried that you're going to get yourself killed again. They also don't praticurally care for your family," she leans forward again, dropping her voice to a low whisper, "There's whispers of an uprising. A way to overthrow what you've built in New York and take it back. The peace that you've created is crumbling and trust me when I say they want to rule. Not everyone loves the way you've divided the city. But the pack has your back no matter what. Some are just... Harder to convince then others."

A heavy sigh escapes my lips and I ponder on this for a moment, weighing my options. I can either turn back now and secure my position of power in New York, or continue on and take back New Orleans. While both would result in blood shed, only one would jepordize my entire family... Then again, the other would at least give the Mikaelson's a place to run to in case we're chased out.

A thought crosses my mind and just like that, I know what the right thing to do is. "Okay. Dani, you and I are going to go to New Orelans and fix this mess. I'm sending Vincent back. He's the only one other then you that I trust enough to keep things under control. Besides, I know he misses Jake."

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