Chapter 4 ~ Hearts Demise

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Flashback - Six Months Ago

Rebekah bursts into her room sobbing and looking like a mess. She yanks off her jacket and throws it aside before collapsing on the bed in tears. She hears something crunch under her head, and sits up wiping away her tears before moving her pillow. An envelope is under her pillow with her name scrawled across it in Adriana's handwriting. Sniffling she rips it open and unfolds the letter, before reading it...

Dear Aunt Rebekah,

If you're reading this then we lost and I'm dead. The world is a dark and lonely place, and no matter how much you fight against one thing it will always catch up with you one way or another; death. I've cheated death one to many times, and the universe just can't have that I suppose. But, you never know what the future has in store for someone like me... Someone who is notoriously known for cheating death.

Everyone else received one of these letters as well, including Uncle Kol who I've been in contact with off and on since I revived him. But that's not the point of this letter. The point is to tell you to find out the truth about everything. The others wouldn't be able to do this, seeing as how they are a little too... Violent for this task. There is a woman, Felicia High, who lives in the bayou. I need you to find her and ask her something.

As for what you will ask you will figure that you in time. Regardless, there is one more thing I want you to do for me; don't lose hope. Not in me, my father, your search, or our family. Hope is what keeps us all going in these dark times, and I know that you will be able to keep that hope alive. I love you so much, and I will always be by your side - even if you don't know it. Be Careful.

I love you.

Always and Forever,


Rebekah sets the letter down, her tears now replaced with curiosity and worry. She then notices a slight bulge in the envelope. She carefully picks it up before taking out the item inside. It is a silver key with two long prongs on the end, and an engraving on the handle. She turns it sideways to read the engraving, "Cimitirul - Mausoleul 8." Her eyes snap up and she wrinkles her eyebrows, very confused about what it all means...


End Flashback - Present Day - 3rd Person POV

Rebekah takes a step back still processing this, and tears fall from her eyes like a waterfall. "She... She's alive?" She asks in shock.

Felicia moves towards Rebekah and smiles carefully. "She didn't want you to know until you were ready. But Rebekah... She's not in her own body. She woke up half across the world in a body that wasn't her own, and she had to adjust to being her new self." She speaks softly and calmly.

"Where is she? Who is she? How is she?" Rebekah asks rapidly and stares at Felicia, still in shock.

"She's in New York - I think. She's going by an alias so... I don't know who she is. As for how she is, I don't know either. She only calls me when she needs me for something. We aren't exactly besties." Felicia retorts and sighs.

"Okay. Give me the number." Rebekah demands.

Felicia pauses before picking up a pen and paper and scribbling down a number. She speaks while she writes, "She changes her number every few weeks. It's been almost a month since I've heard from her... This is the last number she called me from." She straightens up and holds the piece of paper out to the Original.

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