is this what i think?

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HannaHs pov:

I smiled and walked back into the manor, feeling triumphant. I had finally got the best of Ciel. But the game isn't over yet and I'm afraid to say he may be winning. The triumph soon faded and I looked to my feet. I wondered if Ciel really meant what he said, or if it was just a part of the game. If he did mean it how should I react..? I thought about this conundrum all the way back to my room and then I thought about it more. Before I knew it, it was dinner time. I heard a familiar knock at my door.

"Come in." I replied to the knock. Sebastian entered the room.

" is time to get changed for dinner. The young Lord awaits you." He bowed and left without another word. I quickly shut the door. and got changed. But before a single article of clothing was put on, I stared at my milk pale skin. I mostly stared at my demon marking on my back. Does this little mark really make me a soulless and uncaring being like the other demons? Because I do feel something. My chest feels tight and my stomach knotted. I quickly got into a dark purple gown lined with black as always. I put my hair up in a bun and walked downstairs. Ciel was sitting as if nothing had happened eating the five star meal Sebastian had prepared. I sat down across from the young earl and ate. I glanced at him ever so often but he showed no signs of emotion at all. He was stoic as usual.

"H-hey..Ciel?" I finally mustered up the courage to say my piece. He swallowed his food and looked at me.

"Yes, HannaH?" he smiled a bit. I couldn't help but blush when he said my name

"I-I've beem having bad nightmares...can I sleep with you?" I stuttered. He smiled a gentle and tender smile.

"Sure..that sounds lovely" and he continued eating. I finished before he did and got changed into. a mint green night gown. Soon I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to find Ciel, eyepatch off and in his pajamas. I smiled and so did he.

"Welcome. Is everyone else asleep..we don't want bardroy or finney getting the wrong idea." I asked as he walked in. He grinned.

"Yes. The servants are asleep and I ordered Sebastian to leave us alone and not tell any of the others" He was grinning. I smiled.

"Hey, ciel? Can I ask..did..did you mean those things you said in the garden or are they a part of the game?" I looked over at him. He looked a bit surprised at my question.

"I meant it..well the marriage stuff was for the game..but I meant that I don't care if you're half demon because you're still you. I'm already corrupted and full of hatred and vengeance and you like me. I don't care what you are, you're still hannah." he smiled wholeheartedly.

"thank you one has ever said that" I smile back at him. We stare at one another for what seems like eternity until I get up to take off my tights, revealing the numerous scrapes and scars on my legs and some current bruises and cuts. Ciel stares at my legs with worry filled eyes.

"Are you okay? How'd that happen?"He asked as concern tinted his voice.

"A lot of people have wanted me dead and I'm clumsy..don't worry" I explained. He kneeled down to get a closer look.

" I care about you..of course I'll's inevitable." he finds a huge bruise on my leg. He gently kisses the wound like a mother would. I blush as he keeps kissing the wounds. Then the one on my gut then my arms and upper chest. I'm blushing bright red and once he's done with my body he looks up at me. He gazes into my eyes and I get lost in his sapphire eyes as if I'm drowning in them. He grabs my shoulders and before I know it I'm on the bed and he s on top of me. He is slightly flushed and staring at me intensely.

"I want this. I want you. Something has gotten into me. I just can't help myself. I don't know why. It's so sudden. I just want you so bad." He keeps staring at me. My face turns red.
"Want like..want me as a friend?" I ask hesitantly. He kissed my neck and I let out a shiver

"No..I want a lover. I want to love" He purrs and removes his shirt, he begins kissing my neck passionately. My eyes widen.

"Ciel..wouldn't say sound like...Alois" My eyes widen more and I gently tug on Ciels hair to reveal light golden locks. Alois trancy.

"Alois! What are you doing? Where is Ciel!" I demand as I push him off me. He smirks.

"My my. you're smart. He is hidden somewhere dark with another version of himself and you. close by and away from harm. Now where were we?" He licked his lips in lust. I sighed and pulled the box from. under my bed and opened it to reveal ciel. He was unconscious and curled up.

"Alois. get out" I shot a glare at the defenseless alois and he left, still wearing his contacts. Ciel was curled up in the trunk. I tried my hardest to gently place him on my bed, I managed but getting his eyepatch off was the difficult part. In about ten minutes he was laying on my bed, sound asleep. I looked at him and couldn't help but grin, he had light breathing and looked like he was dreaming of something nice, warm and tender and with that grin I knew it was him.

Ciel pov:

I recall being stuffed in a trunk but I awoke next to HannaH in her bed. She was asleep, she looked like she needed the rest. I got up to trip over the trunk that would usually be under her bed to find it wide open and out. Then it hit me like a bullet, she had gotten me out. I got myself off the floor and looked at her. As my eyes adjusted to the light her image became more and more clear and vivid. She was curled up in the fetal position and her hair was golden scruffy on the pillow. Her milk pale face was was letting out faint breaths through her pink little lips. Her eyes were gently shut as if she was dreaming about something tender and warm like a hug from an old friend. I found myself staring at her as if in a trance. She was so tiny looking. So innocent, nothing at all like the cheeky demon girl I know. She resembled a porcelain doll, so delicate and fragile yet so beautiful and high class with milky pale and translucent skin. The moonlight trickled off her nose and cheeks from in between the curtains. Her little lips began to move and she was muttering what sounded like sweet nothings. I lean in closer to hear what she may be saying.

"C-Ciel...Alois..." I heard her mutter softly. Her voice was smooth like sweet nectar dripping from a flower. I could feel my cheeks get warm as she mentioned my name, but why Alois? It worried me to think she may be leaving. The thought of her going away made my chest ache like a stab wound and I don't know why. It was a strange empty feeling I got when I thought about her gone. And when I thought of her in his arms, smiling and doing things to one another I got a ill and angry feeling, like my gut is burning and I wanna strangle someone, anyone but her. I wouldn't want to hurt her. As I thought and stared at her. I grew lonely. I wanted to feel her warm embrace. I wanted her to tell me that should wouldn't leave for the world. That everything was gonna be okay. That Do I love her or do I just want to win. I now fear that it may be the latter.

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