let the games begin.

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HannaHs pov: I awoke next to a sleeping Ciel yet again. I got up and played with my golden hair for a minute or two before I remembered that Ciel and I had a meeting with her majesty yesterday and we didn't go. I stared at Ciels sleeping body, he was motionless like a corpse, this frightened me. I put a hand on his cheek to feel his skin, to my relief it was warm and soft unlike a corpse. I felt his breath lightly blow against my hand and he suddenly turned to face me. I jumped back in surprise, his sleeping body was now facing me. He began lightly muttering something, I leaned closer to listen.

"H-HannaH...don't go off..again.." he lightly muttered. I felt my cheeks warm up as he continued mumbling.

"P-Pick me..not..Alois.." he continued. I was confused, 'is it a challenge to him? What does he mean?' I thought as I continued listening.

"I-I love..yo-" he woke up in mid sentence. By this point my face was bright red. "Good morning HannaH..why are you red? And why are you sitting so close to the bed?" He asked as he rubbed his eye.

"N-No reason.. didn't we have to meet with the queen yesterday..?" I asked in an attempt to change the subject. His eyes slightly widened.

"You remembered, good job." He patted my head.

"Luckily I cancelled it last night, I woke up remembering and told her we'd be there today around noon." He yawned.

"We should get dressed. And before my brother gets any more suspicion...wait should we tell anyone about yesterday?!" I asked. He thought about it for a second. "I don't see any reason to hide it...but will they be able to handle the information? We should tell Alois, it'd drive him bonkers to know that filthy man's hands were around your breast and he was minutes away from taking something from you and I-" he paused and looked down for a second. "I..nearly let you get.." he drifted off. He looked away but I grabbed his cheek and held his head in place to face me. I looked him dead in the eyes, they were watering slightly and his face was red.

"Ciel...don't talk like that ever again. You're insulting my only friend and it Hurts me when you do that. You gave me a place to live and helped me with Alois and countless other issues while asking for nearly nothing in return. Besides you make me feel special..like I have some meaning or difference...and if it weren't for you I'd be laying in a ditch completely nude or in the dumpster after that man would've killed me or left me for death..I owe you everything so don't talk bad about yourself." I smiled at him. His eyes began to water more, he began hugging me tightly as his tears dripped onto my shoulders.

"I-I've done you so much wrong though.. I'm the reason you're so beaten up and you have those bruises because I couldn't deal with embarrassment and sent you on a meaningless errand. I'm the reason your wound reopened, why Alois knows where you are, why Finney is worried about you being taken away...you'd be better off with Alois..I'm a disgrace." He drifted off. I pushed him away and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Ciel phantomhive. Would I kiss a failure? A disgrace?" I asked. He shook his head sternly as if to disapprove.

"Then does this prove anything?" I blushed and pushed my lips against his. He returned the gesture as I pulled away his eyes were wide.

"Why'd you do that?" He muttered. I smirked.

"You said I wouldn't kiss a disgrace and I kissed you so you're not a disgrace and if you disagree you're a hypocrite." I smiled. His eyes were wide like an owls.

"Y...You kissed me to prove a point...?!" He stuttered.

"Why? did you think it was more? Have you fallen for me..?" I winked. He blushed and looked down.

lovers quarrel, the more you fight the more you love? (black butler love story)Where stories live. Discover now