please help me

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Hannah's pov:

Sebastian and I had searched everywhere for grell. I felt sick to my stomach, and sicker the longer it took. Down alleyways and in graveyards, we knew he lingered where death was. We just didn't know where to find it. We wandered for what seemed like hours until we both heard a blood curdling scream echo throughout the night. We ran towards it, with a demons speed we were there in no time. When we got there we saw what he had expected, grell collecting the memories of some poor dead soul.

He was as flamboyant as ever and at the sight of Sebastian he was already swooning, his nose gushed blood and his cheeks turned flushed. He was quickly at the demons side cooing and trying to flirt unsuccessfully. I couldn't help but smile at the annoyed expression plastered on the demon butlers face. This flirtation soon ended when grell finally looked over at me. His green eyes widened and he grew paler than usual, but still nothing close to my ghostly hue.

"H...Hannah? You're hair..and your face..oh my gosh, your eyes.." he spoke in astonishment and suddenly he looked serious, the most serious I've ever seen him, which was alarming considering I only see him when he's supposed to be working. He no longer looked like himself, he looked more like William than anyone, especially himself. He looked at Sebastian with a serious expression.

" know what we need from you" Sebastian said as monotone as ever. Grill nodded and whispered something in Sebastian's ear. I could've sworn I saw Sebastian get a disgusted expression before he nodded back to grell. Sebastian explained how we needed alois trancy's blood to reverse it. I had learned from this explanation that we had limited time

Before I had opened the gates, Sebastian had whispered something in my ear. Before I had trudged through the garden, mustering up the courage to knock. Before I had managed to knock. Before I was led in by a stone-faced Claude and before I was lead to Alois. Before Alois had noticed me, those whispered words echoed in my mind like a broken record.

"You can't tell him the truth"

Alois noticed me and his face lit up, my stomach dropped. He had a smile from ear to ear and I tried my hardest to muster one myself, but to be completely honest I was afraid of him at this point. After all he's done to me and ciel, even though I know he genuinely cares for me. I'm afraid. He seems excited to see me, I was worried he might get out the ball gag and the ropes again. He ran and embraced me, somehow I managed not to fall over. He pulled back, arms still around me and his eyes widened.

"Why are you here? What happened to your skin, and your even have demon eyes." He asked, he seemed slightly worried as if what I was about to tell him was bad.

"Uh..Ciel is driving me bonkers, I needed to get away for a bit, I thought a new appearance might help with that. Does it bother you?" I quickly thought up a lie as I tugged on my snow white hair, as pure as a dreamers soul. He shook his head and his smile grew wider. He kept explaining how happy he was, how ecstatic he was that I was here. How much he loved me. How much he's wanted me. How beautiful I look. How my hair looks like white wedding lace and my skin was like a porcelain doll, how my eyes were crimson like the bloodlust we shared. I felt ill when he explained the bloodlust and images of what I saw in ciels garden came back. I tried not to collapse or vomit.

Alois soon led me to my room. It was lilac and was adorned with the finest art and furniture, a truly lovely abode. The dresser was filled with so many fine gowns they all looked like they were for a wedding, or a funeral. In the midst of all this lovely possessions my mind drifted to Ciel. I wondered how he would react to seeing me like this, if he would like these gowns and the art, and even the furniture. How angry he'd be that I was with Alois. I began to wonder what Sebastian would tell him.  I wondered what he was doing right now. I began to wonder if he was missing me at all.

Ciel's pov:

"Where is she!?! Sebastian!!!" I was yelling at my butler, throwing books at him with all my might. I began screaming, tears streaming down my face.

"Where is HannaH!!?? Where is she!?! Sebastian!! I order you to tell me!" I began hollering at him. He remained stoic like a statue, expressionless and eerie. I wanted HannaH. I wanted to see her. I needed to know she was alright. Sebastian sighed and began cleaning up the books as of he was cleaning up after a toddler.

"Lady, Hannah is staying with an old friend for a few days. That's all. She's okay." He sounded as monotone as ever. I could tell he wasn't lying but something seemed off as if he was avoiding some element of the truth. An old friend. An old friend. An old friend. It kept echoing in my head. Hannah has old friends? Why didn't she bring them here? Why'd she leave without saying anything? I felt sick to my stomach with doubt and worry. I wanted to track her down right there and then, but I didn't. I sat there, staring wide eyed at my butler.

"Wha..what old friend?" I could hear my unsure voice ask, as if my mouth was working on its own. Sebastian remained stone faced and it didn't exactly help my nerves. He was cleaning up the last of the books calmly as I was on the brink of exploding.

"She told me not to tell" he sighed and turned to me "do you want any tea, cake, anything?" My eyes widened and I shook my head. Why wouldn't she want me to know. Why would she keep it from me. Her words echoed in my head 'best friend.'. Do people usually keep secrets from their friends? Do they usually disappear without a goodbye. I didn't know but it seemed unlikely to me. I thought and thought. The only person I'd met from her past who she cries stay with was him. That little annoying dusty spot you can never seem to reach, duster in hand, struggling. Alois trancy. I tried to shake the thought off. There is no way she would be with him. No way in hell. She isn't there.

Or maybe she is.

lovers quarrel, the more you fight the more you love? (black butler love story)Where stories live. Discover now