Chapter 1

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Notification: JeffBlakeOfficial just posted a photo


@JeffBlakeOfficial: Taking this beautiful boy home for the holidays! #lucky #happythanksgiving

Harvey sighs and rolls his eyes fondly. After nearly two years of knowing each other, his boyfriend, Jefferson seems to still be in the honeymoon phase.

Not that Harvey isn't. It's just that he's comfortable with Jeff now; he's not just the amazing guy he's dating, he's family. It's pretty surreal to be saying that about a man who, only 18 months ago, was on a poster in Harvey's bedroom wall. But this is his life now. Adoring fans, update blogs... 'Harverson' shippers.

They had met in the fall of his sophomore year of college. Harvey was working in the library of his university when Jeff walked in, tall and ethereal, looking like an angel, with a halo of golden-orange hair.

Harvey, being Harvey, managed to trip over his own feet and topple them both over. It took the expression 'falling in love' to a whole new level.

Jefferson, inexplicably, found it charming, and pursued the brown-haired boy.

Harvey cannot for the life of him, give a solid reason why Jeff was so taken with him that day, but the taller man always insists that what he felt can never be described, and so will always remain a mystery.

Jeff must think it's romantic to say that, but Harvey is studying to be a lawyer, so he's been training his BS detector.

Regardless, he lets his boyfriend shower him with compliments, and poor (and adorable) attempts at poetic love confessions, because, let's face it, positive attention is rare for a guy as plain as Harvey feels he is.

"Are you gonna comment on my post?" Jeff asks, his curly ginger hair rubbing against the fabric of Harvey's jeans where he is rested, facing up, on their couch.

When he and Harvey had gotten serious, Jeff insisted on buying an apartment close to Harvey's campus, to act as Harvey's dorm, and Jeff's home-base when he wasn't travelling for work. There were a lot of protests and claims that 'I can afford my own apartment!' but Jeff is nothing if not persuasive, and lo and behold, a week later, Harvey's belongings had been hauled a few blocks away into a luxury apartment complex.

"Alright, alright!" Harvey laughs, flicking Jeff on the forehead, then reaches his hand up to massage his scalp briefly.

He looks at the photo again, more intently this time.

It's just a snap of the student. Jeff had taken it from his previous position, lying across the couch with his feet draped across Harvey's lap. Harvey had been studying; reading a paper written by one of his college professors, when he heard the click of a camera. When he looked up, Jeff had a fond smile on his face, and was staring at his phone, proudly.

It's actually a very artistic photo. There aren't many colours going on, and the room is dimly lit with candles and a couple of floor lamps. Harvey's face is illuminated by one vanilla scented candle on the coffee table in front of them, giving his face a warm glow.

With a soft smile, he types his comment.

@HarveythecheeseKing: Didn't know I was dating a photographer :o

The comment gets an immediate giggle from the man lying on Harvey's lap, and less than a minute later, comes the reply.

@JeffBlakeOfficial: @HarveythecheeseKing It's easy to take good photos when the subject is a work of art <3

Harvey rolls his eyes and pretends to gag, earning a hearty laugh from his boyfriend.

"Hey!" The redhead says in protest, "I'm not wrong! Your face belongs in the Louvre."

The brunet grimaces with a playful whine, then grabs a cushion, smothering his own face into it.

"You're such a sap." He groans into the cushion, voice muffled by the fabric. Then he removes it from his face, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his boyfriend's pink lips.

"And you're such a babe." Jeff winks when they part ever so slightly, fingertips gripping the base of Harvey's neck to keep their lips hovering centimetres apart.

Harvey blushes again, a natural reaction to any and all compliments he receives. The action causes Jeff to smile at him with such fondness that Harvey just has to surge down and kiss him again. Only this time, his thick rimmed glasses manage to slip off as he starts to pull back again.

"Ompf!" Jeff hisses comically, jerking his head in reaction to the object hitting his nose.

Harvey shouldn't laugh, he really shouldn't, but he can't help but think that Jeff's reaction looks a little bit like a cat with its head stuck in a box or something.

He immediately lifts the glasses off of his boyfriend's face, then ponders, "These things are so annoying...Maybe I should get laser-eye surgery?"

"No!" The reply is instant. So instant, in fact, that it seems a little suspicious.


"...No." Jeff says, a little less emphatically this time, "I... I like them."

"You..." Harvey tilts his head, intrigued by the awkward tone in Jefferson's voice, "You like them."

"Uh, yeah..."

Taking a second to assess the situation in his head, Harvey pauses, then his eyes widen, before narrowing and staring down at his boyfriend.

"Fer," He starts, calling Jefferson by his affectionate nickname, reaching a pale hand up to run his fingers through the crown of light ginger locks, "Do you have... a glasses fetish?"

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