Chapter 5

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The next time Harvey sees Jefferson, they both have matching expressions of guilt. Harvey isn't sure what his is for. He still doesn't think he did anything wrong.

But perhaps it's because he feels awful for even thinking Jeff would hurt him on purpose. The man is like a puppy. Too cute and cuddly to hate.

"Harvey, I..." Jeff begins. Harvey wants to interrupt, but Chris has already told him he needs to listen better, so he does. "I need to apologise."

"So do I." Harvey responds, an awkward smile on his lips.

"You do?"

"Yeah." He sighs, "Jeff, you're everything to me. You make me feel so happy, and comfortable, and normal. And I guess, spending every day with you makes me forget that you aren't just everything to me... you're everything to millions of other people too."

"Baby." Jefferson's face turns understanding, "I was going to say the same thing... You're not used to..." He makes a wild gesture with his hands, "All of this... I guess it's easy to forget that when you cope with it so well."

Harvey half smiles, "It's not so bad." He bumps Jeff's shoulder, "I just think we should be clearer about where we're coming from, from now on. The way I think seems obvious to me, but you and I come from two different worlds. We need to be more understanding of that."

"Agreed." Jeff grins, holding a hand out to his boyfriend in a business-like manner, "From now on, we explain our own point of view, even if it seems obvious."

"And we don't judge if we still can't understand." Harvey smiles back, clasping the large hand in his own.

"I love you, baby." The redhead says softly, a fond expression creeping into his eyes as he strokes the back of Harvey's hand with his thumb.

"I love you too, Fer." The brunet blushes, shooting his boyfriend the most affectionate look he can muster, "How about we get takeout and watch a shitty comedy on Netflix?"

"Sounds perfect." Jeff beams, "I'll go get the Chinese menu."

"And I'll pick a film."

Harvey watches his boyfriend head into the kitchen and turns around, heading toward the couch. As he flops down onto the soft seat, he grabs his phone from the coffee table and opens it up.

With a relaxed sigh, he flicks onto his Instagram explore page as he lifts his feet up to rest on the other end of the couch.

"Babe! Do you want chicken or shrimp noodles?" Jefferson calls out from the kitchen as Harvey is a few scrolls down the page.

"Chicken, please! The shrimp gave me indigestion last time!" He responds.

Then a photo catches his eye. Or rather, the subject of the photo.

Walking along a sunny street in LA, iced coffee in hand, is Harvey's tall, bright haired boyfriend, with a beautiful golden-haired woman.

Harvey frowns, looking at the caption.


@DailyBlake: Jeff and Danielle out in LA!

Who the hell is Danielle?

"Babe!" Harvey calls out, prompting his boyfriend's head of curly hair to pop out from the door frame.

"Yes, my love?" Jeff says with the sweetest voice known to man, which makes Harvey have to fight to suppress a fond smile.

"Who's Danielle?" He manages to ask, holding his phone out as evidence, "You've never mentioned a 'Danielle' before."

Jefferson's face scrunches up as he walks toward him, "Danielle?" He says confused, then grabs the phone offered to him and studies the picture, "Oh! Dani!"

"Dani?" Harvey's eyebrows shoot up, "And Dani is who exactly?"

Jeff's head raises slowly as his eyes meet his boyfriend's, narrowed and calculating, "Are you, by any chance, jealous?"

Harvey gapes, "What? Pshh... no!"

"You are jealous! Oh my god! You've never been jealous before!" Jeff celebrates, "Baby! Relax! She's just my co-star. She's really cool and we get along. But she's just a friend."

"She's your co-star." Harvey repeats slowly, "Oh."

"Yeah." Jeff says smugly, looking at his boyfriend with a triumphant expression.

"Do you find her attractive?" He asks cautiously. He's not worried, honestly. He trusts Jeff with his life. And he's made him promise that if he ever thought of cheating, he would just end the relationship, instead of being unfaithful.

"Do you?" Jeff rebuttals.

"What? Of course I don't, I'm gay!" Harvey splutters.

"And I'm not?"

"No, you idiot! You're not." The brunet laughs, and smacks Jeff's arm playfully.

"Oh damn. Even I forget sometimes. Your sweet ass has made me a monogamist."

"That's not how sexual attraction works, Fer." The shorter man rolls his eyes as his boyfriend flops down onto him, holding himself up with hands planted on either side of his head.

"Well maybe you've just turned me full gay. God knows that's what my fans want."

"You think?" Harvey asks, knowing that Jeff was just joking, but he knows that there's some truth to the statement.

"Well... yeah." Jefferson frowns slightly, "They were horrible to any girl I was linked with, but as soon as I came out as bisexual I was being shipped with every guy in Hollywood."

"You don't have to be what they want you to be all the time, Fer." Harvey grimaces, "Is... is that why you're dating me?"

"Oh god, no! Harvey, no!" Jeff kisses his cheek, "I'm dating you because I love you. It's just pure dumb luck that you're a guy, because otherwise you would've been cyberbullied to death. Maya knows that personally."

"Maya went through that?!" Harvey screeches, "But the fans love her."

"Yeah, when they realised there was no way I was going to date her."

"But you did date her..."

Jeff pouts, "For like five minutes. Not long enough for me to tell my fans about her. She suffered enough abuse as my best friend, no way was I going to subject her to being my girlfriend."

"And what about me?" Harvey quizzes.

"What about you?"

"You subjected me to that." He explains, "How is my situation any different?"

"It's different, Mr King, because I love you." Jeff answers him honestly, "I didn't want to go public with someone I wasn't even serious about."

"Oh really?" Harvey teases, "You're serious about me?"

Jeff grins, burying his nose into the dip of his boyfriend's collar bone, "More serious than you would ever know."


Exams are over! Expect more regular uploads from now on! xx

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