Chapter 14 (New)

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There are three people in the world that Jefferson would drop everything for. One gave him life, and another is who he wants to spend the rest of it with.

The one he's speeding through traffic for, is the person who's spent the better part of his life by his side, through thick and thin.

Maya's assurances that she did was not in danger did nothing to stop his heart sinking to his feet. She may as well be held at gunpoint.

When Maya opens the door just fifteen minutes after she'd hung up the phone, her eyes are frantic, and she's giving Jeff and expression which says, 'I'm okay but don't be surprised if I suddenly fall to the ground'.

He knows what to do immediately.

"Okay, okay, let's get you sat down." He ushers her through the dimly lit hallway all the way to the island of her large kitchen.

Its size would be comical if it weren't for the warm emotions it invoked, and the memories it had attached to it.

"I need a large kitchen." She told him, hands dancing upon the countertop in the kitchen of the apartment she'd dragged Jefferson to view, "My bà nội cooked constantly because the family were always around. It doesn't feel like home if there isn't a constant smell of homemade food."

After making sure Maya is settled, Jefferson walks toward the cupboards and fishes out two wine glasses, then a third smaller glass which he fills up with water.

"Here." He says softly then places the glass of water in front of his best friend, who takes it with a grateful smile.

Smiling back at her, he then searches the fridge for an opened bottle of wine. He pulls out a bottle of cheap convenience store red and turns around with a sly grin, causing Maya to let out a soft giggle. Success.

"Alright, let me have it." Jeff prompts after pouring a generous amount of wine into both of their glasses.

Maya sighs, leaning back in her chair. She seems to have calmed down considerably, Jefferson's presence clearly having a good affect on her. It works that way in reverse too.

"It's about Benny."

It takes a few seconds for Jeff to sift through all of the information in his brain before he remembers that 'Benny', aka Benjamin, is Maya's elusive new boyfriend.

"Okay... Is everything alright?" He asks cautiously.

Maya's lips purse, "Yes... No... I don't know."

"Well, which is it?"

"We haven't had sex yet." She admits.

"...Oh." Jeff's eyebrows shoot up, "And... is that the thing that's bothering you."

Maya shakes her head, but then nods, eventually letting her head tilt one side, "Not really. It was at first, but it's not what's made me upset."

"Okay, then I assume it has something to do with what's going on?" Jeff tries to hurry her up. Her stress is making him more worried by the minute.

"We haven't had sex yet," She repeats, "And at first it was kind of sweet, the way he'd stop us before things went too far. I thought that maybe he was waiting for the perfect moment."

"And that wasn't the case?" The actor asks when she pauses.

"I don't think so." She shakes her head, "It was our three month anniversary last week. We had this beautiful dinner, which I organised, then he took me for a walk around this Japanese garden that he'd rented for an hour. It had a koi pond, and a Sakura tree and-"

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