Chapter 7

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24 hours after her chat with Harvey, Maya is watching the man's famous boyfriend settle into a plush couch in the studio of a daytime talk show.

She's stood in the wings, as she always does, next to his manager, who she can tell is on edge, from watching his body language.

This scandal with his co-star isn't career ending, not even a little bit, but Jeff has a squeaky-clean persona, that was helped, not hindered, by his unscripted coming out two years ago.

At this point, the only thing that could ruin his career is, well, a cheating scandal, or worse.

Which is why this has to be nipped in the bud.

"So, this new movie," the host begins, a light smile on his face, an attempt to ease Jeff into the interview, "This is the first time you've been an outright action star."

Jeff grins, charmingly so, and nods, "Yeah! I'm so excited! I feel so badass." He giggles, and a group of fans in the audience squeals.

"I can only imagine!" The host nods along, "How were you with the stunts? Did you do any of your own?"

"Oh, man. I wish!" Jeff laughs, "No, I did a few of the less dangerous ones. I had to learn how to fight, and flip, and stuff like that."

"But no explosions?"

"No explosions," an easy laugh, "My boyfriend would've killed me."

The audience erupts into cheers. Even the mere mention of Harvey sets them off. Maya smiles softly, both at the thought of her other friend, but also because Jeff is doing exactly what he needs to dispel these rumours.

"And how is he now? I hear he's back in school?" The host pries, and of course, Jeff is happy to gush over the brunet.

"He's great!" the star grins, "He's studying to be a lawyer, like the damn genius he is."

"Impressive! You lucked out, eh Jeff." There's a cheeky wink from the host as he continues, "Is he excited for the movie, dangerous stunts aside?"

"Absolutely. I mean, he was a fan before we met, so he's really proud of me, same way I am of him."

"How sweet! You two are making my heart melt!" The host shoots him a kind smile and turns to the camera, "After the break, we'll be back with Jefferson Blake, and we'll be bringing out his lovely co-star, Danielle Peterson!"


"Nice work out there, kid. You really are your mother's son." Rob, Jefferson's manager, tells him as he walks into the greenroom during the commercial break.

Rob has worked with his family for literally generations, having been his mother's manager when she started out. When she started to take on less risky roles, she asked him to take Jeff under his wing. She'd say that Rob is great at keeping a star, a star, but even better at making a star out of dust.

"Thanks." Jefferson smiles lightly, taking the water being handed to him and sitting in the make-up chair by the mirrors.

"Good idea going in from the 'Harvey' angle. They'll know there's no way you'd think about cheating on him when you love him so much."

"It's not an angle." Jeff frowns, much to the dismay of the woman reapplying his concealer, "I was asked about my boyfriend, who I love, and I answered truthfully."

"I know, kid, I know." Rob smirks affectionately, "I'm just saying, it's lucky you love him so much, because people will see that, and understand the truth."

"He's right." Maya agrees, coming to stand in front of her best friend, "You wear your heart on your sleeve. If you were cheating on him, the whole world would know. But you're just as in love as always."

Jeff averts his eyes, a little embarrassed, face flushing slightly, "Well... As long as you guys know it's not an act."

"Oh please." Maya scoffs, "You're a great actor, but when it comes to your own feelings, I can read you like a book."


"So, I'm standing there on the roof of this small building, in this extra padded vest, and Jeff trips, and sends me flying onto a crash mat on the floor!" Danielle exclaims as she animatedly tells the story of their funniest moment on set.

"It was your fault for standing on the edge!" Jeff defends himself, "Like you had a death wish or something!"

"Well, I didn't think you were gonna body slam me off a building!" Dani laughs hysterically, causing Jeff and the talk-show host to join her.

"It sounds like you had a blast on set." The host grins.

"We did." Jeff nods happily, "The cast and crew are amazing. We all got along so well."

"A little too well, some might say?" The host looks a little mischievous, and tilts his head, "you two have really got the rumour mill churning."

Jeff huffs an awkward laugh and rubs the back of his neck with his hand. He goes to speak, but Danielle beats him to it.

"No, there's nothing going on here." She says, "But, I mean, who wouldn't wanna date Jeff, he's gorgeous. I had the biggest crush on him when we met!"

"Really?" The host's eyebrows shoot up. It's as if he can taste the extra views, "And it wasn't reciprocated?"

Jeff is frozen in place. He manages to sneak a glance over to Rob and Maya, who are watching mortified from the wings. He tries to shoot them a questioning look, but the most he gets back is an expression along the lines of 'what the actual fuck' from them both.

"No." Jeff says with a strong shake of the head, "I actually had no idea about this."

"Well, you know now!" Dani looks at him with a teasing look.

Jefferson sort of wants to vomit now. Normally he'd say that it's obvious that Dani is kidding, she always teases like that. But they'd spoken already about how important it is to set people straight about the rumours. It's like she wants people to believe it.

"Well, unfortunately for you, I'm still very much taken, and plan to be for a while." He lets out an awkward laugh, and sends a polite smile to the host, who thankfully, notices Jeff's desperation to move on.


"What in the hell was that?" Rob says angrily as Jeff gets into the car stationed outside of the studio.

"I don't fucking know!" Jeff exclaims with a sharp huff.

"I thought you said you'd discussed it with her?" Maya asks, concern.

"I did! She was really understanding. But she flipped the script on me!"

"Clearly." Rob mutters under his breath, "It was going so well before that."

"Right." Maya agrees, then turns to Jeff with a sympathetic expression, "Don't worry, J, this isn't your fault. You couldn't have known."

"I know." Jeff sighs, "I just hope the media don't read into what she says."

"Of course not." Maya smiles sadly at him, "Your fans are smart. They aren't gonna be swayed by what one person says."

"Yeah," Jeff nods, resolute, "I think so too."

A/N: Sorry everyone! I've been so unmotivated with this story, but I just had an epiphany with regards to the story line!  Hopefully I'll be a little more excited to write now.

I'm giving a double update today as an apology!

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