Chapter 12

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It's a known fact that Harvey King always looks tired. Studying Law for the past five years and counting will do that to you. He's no stranger to the occasional eye-bag.

But right now, Harvey looks exhausted.

And it's all Jeff's fault.

"What do you want me to tell you?" The redhead asks cautiously, his mind racing with all of the negative places this conversation could go.

"Whatever you want, Jefferson." Harvey laughs ruefully, moving his hand to prop up his chin, "I'm not bothering to ask anymore because you obviously don't want to tell me when I do."

"I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything, just please, trust that no matter what, I love you."

"Okay. I trust you." Harvey says honestly, then rolls his shoulders, as though gearing up for something, "What did you talk to Danielle about?"

Jeff blinks at him. He knew the question was coming, but he still wasn't prepared, "Mostly what I told Luke."

"Mostly?" His boyfriend raises an eyebrow.

Jeff bites his lip, "I think... I think she thought that I felt... trapped." At Harvey's narrowed eyes, Jefferson continues, exhaling deeply and pursing his lips, "Because I told her how indebted I feel to my fans."

"And she kissed you because...?"

"I don't know." He says, frustrated, "I guess I came across like I wanted freedom. Like I'm not happy with my life."

"Which isn't the truth?" Harvey interjects.

"No. Of course not. It couldn't be further from the truth!" Jefferson rushes to confirm, "Sure, I feel burnt out sometimes, trying to keep up with what my fans want. But... just because I'm tired doesn't mean I want out. I love you, Harvey."

"It must be easier though, right." His boyfriend comments, "To please them when you have the perfect formula for it."

"Perfect formula?" Jeff furrows his brows, "Harvey, what are you suggesting?"

"I'm not suggesting anything, Fer." Harvey shrugs, then thinks back to his conversation with Maya, "But I want you to be honest with me when I ask... does dating me help your brand?"

Jeff is pretty sure he knows what Harvey is asking him. He wants to know if Jeff values Harvey for himself alone, or for what dating him does for his career. And Jeff isn't sure he wants to know the answer for himself, let alone for Harvey.

The silence is heavy.

"Answer me, Jefferson." Harvey prompts.

"Yes. It does." He mutters, then looks at his boyfriend with pleading eyes, "But I promise you, I'm dating you because I love you. Not because my fans do."

"That isn't the issue here, Fer." Comes the instant reply, "The reason why you're dating me isn't in question. I'm just afraid of what would cause you to stop dating me."

"Harvey don't even say that! I would never break up with you. You mean everything to me."

"No, I don't!" Harvey rebuttals, "And I'm not asking to. I don't want to own all of your attention, Jeff. But forgive me for expecting to be a majority shareholder."

Jefferson doesn't know what to say to that. So, Harvey continues.

"The minute I fall out of favour with the hoard, it becomes a battle between your love for me, and your duty to your fans." Harvey frowns, "And it kills me to say that I even don't know which one would win."

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