Chapter 11

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Jefferson Blake prides himself on his honesty. Ask him a question and he will answer it.

So, why is it so hard to tell his literal boyfriend the truth? Why can't he say what's on his mind?

To his fans, he's entirely transparent. Ask and they shall receive. Granted, since he started dating Harvey, he's learnt the meaning of boundaries, even if his definition is still a little bit loose. But he's improving!

The irony of the situation is not lost on him, he tried show Harvey why transparency with his fans was important to him, and now that his boyfriend is asking for the same transparency that Jeff fought tooth and nail for, he isn't half as forthcoming to him as he is towards complete strangers.

A hypocrite.

He's a hypocrite.

A self-aware one at that.

But what is he to do? The truth... the truth is embarrassing at best.

Because how does he tell the love of his life that he doesn't think he can survive without the approval of his fans. That he might be so reliant on the opinion of others that there isn't much he wouldn't do outside of a literal crime.

And it's not a desire to be liked, but a fear of the consequences of being hated.

During the cheating scandal, before the photos, he was so preoccupied with keeping his fans happy that he took for granted Harvey's complete trust in him.

All it took was a phone call and a bit of reassurance to cause Harvey to demonstrate his feelings.

And perhaps that's where the problem lies.

Jeff has Harvey, completely. He was lucky enough to find a person who would do anything for who they love, who he loves back in tenfold. But Harvey's willingness to adapt, to compromise, meant that Jeff got used to the ease of it all.

And Jeff knows that that's on him. He got complacent, knowing that Harvey would cover up a murder for him. He never once thought about how the brunet actually felt while Jeff essentially walked all over him.

God, I feel like an asshole.

"I could kill you." A voice says from behind him, low, menacing, with a strong British accent, warm breath tickling Jeff's neck, "I could pierce your neck in exactly the right spot. Instant, no blood, no fuss. There's a river down the street. How long do you think it'll take for the current to take you out to sea? A day? Half? No time at all, honestly. I could do it easily."

"Luke. A pleasure as always." Jefferson says, attempting to sound casual, even though he's very much afraid of Luke's murder capabilities.

"I would say the same, but I'd rather gouge my eyes out with spoons than look at you right now."

"Then why are you here?"

"To take Harvey. He shouldn't have to spend any time with you while you're treating him like a third-wheel to your relationship with your fans." Luke spits, turning away from Jeff and heading towards the main bedroom of the apartment.

"Woah, woah, woah, aren't you mad about..." Jeff grabs his arm then gestures to the TV which is still displaying the same news story, "... that?"

"Did you cheat on him?"

"Well, no-"

"Then that's settled." Luke shrugs, turning again.

"Wait! You believe me? Just like that? Just because I said so?" The celebrity asks, grateful.

"Of course not, idiot." The brit rolls his eyes, "Harvey told me, quite adamantly."

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