«|| 05. The Call of the Infernal

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        Captain Obi pushed the dumbbells up and down before continuing with his lecture. With a heavy clank, the dumbbells now laid dormant. Surely that'd leave a nasty dent on the floor, no?

"Alright! People die of various causes; old age, suicide, disease. This may fall under the category of fatal disease as well, but.." he paused, now facing everyone present. "Nowadays, the cause of death most feared in this world is death by fire."

You sucked in a slow breath, the mention of death by fire alone bringing unwanted memories. Silently, you shook your head to rid yourself of the thoughts, but it seemed like Shinra was also in the dark recesses of his mind, so you elbowed him gently in the ribs.

"Now... even amongst those gathered of us now... no one knows when it might happen or who it might happen to... the horror borne by all those who live on this planet- the "Human Combustion Phenomenon."

"On any given day, people all over the world just suddenly started catching on fire. These types have been labeled as the first generation human combustion victims." Captain Obi continued with his talk about the Infernals and the duties that now laid heavy on your shoulders, saving humankind the most prominent task given.

"Amongst the members of the newly established 8th Special Fire Brigade," he pointed to Lieutenant Hinawa and the girl you now know as Maki Oze. "We have two "Second Generation" fire officers, who can control and manipulate flames without combusting themselves,"

He then pointed you both you and Shinra. "As well as two "Third Generation" fire officers who can freely combust and utilize that as their abilities."

Then he pointed to himself and the blonde-haired girl who stood next to you, practically glued to your side, finishing his lecture. "And we have me, a non-ability user, former firefighter as well as Sister, who prays for the repose of the souls of "Flame People." That makes six of us! We're still shorthanded as far as the science division and the mechanics go. But... we must work in unison if we're to solve the mystery of the Human Combustion Phenomenon!"


Soon after Captain Obi's introductory lesson, everyone was then allowed to leave to their bunks. It took you quite a while- as no one was there to assist you. Lighting a small flame in the palm of your hands, you walked further into the hallway, admiring the checkered floors and the various machines lining the walls. The tiled floors cooled your sore soles, and you sighed in relief.

Now at the door labeled 'Boy's Bunker,' you walked right in, doing your best to open the worn door as quietly as you could. I'm so fucking tired... I've had enough for one day. With that being said, you made a beeline towards the top bunk opposite Shinra's, taking note of his still frame. You pulled the white sheets up to your chin and shut your tired eyes, and waited for sleep to take you.

Well, you would've been able to if the sirens hadn't sounded as soon as you shut your eyes.


"The sirens!" Shinra shouted, practically flying out of his sheets. You tried so hard to screw your eyes shut, but Maki then burst in.

"[Name], Shinra! 'Flame People' have appeared! You have 30 seconds to get ready! ...Get up from under the sheets [Name], and I mean now!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was gone, and you were left with the bliss of silence. Save for the alarm's wailing. Suddenly, the sheets were ripped off your body, and the next thing you knew, you were being tugged out of the comfort of your bed, your head slapping against the bed frame (despite being on the top bunk). Gripping onto your wrist tightly, Shinra dragged you along with him, and it didn't seem like he was going to let go any time soon.

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