«|| 11. Work Loads

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  You dumped yourself into the chair lazily and rested your head on the stacks of paper laid in front of you. The constant clicks of the keyboard, scribbling of pens on paper and the faint whirring of the ceiling fan did nothing to ease your drowsiness. After what Captain Obi had told you and Shinra, it definitely kept you up at night.

A day prior, the Newcomer's Tournament was halted right after the shady man you and Shinra encountered was made known. The Special Fire Brigades then turned to the investigation of the said man who was now given the alias 'Joker', and a sketch was made based on the inputs of you and Shinra. Even with the investigations set into motion, you had an inkling it wouldn't be the last time you would see that man.

Your head ached at the thought alone and you buried your head further into the clump of papers. The sound of wheels scraping against the floor sounded next to you and you cracked your eyes open just a smidge to see Shinra slumping in his chair just as lazily as you did.

"Ugh, Arthur, quit looking like the paperwork is sucking the life outta you, it affects me too."
The said boy only groaned in response. To think we'd actually have to do paperwork in this place... I'd rather eat glass than sit here, I wish something would happen already.

And as if the big man upstairs... or whatever deity was up there at this point, heard your pleas, the phone began to ring and Arthur wasted no time in answering it.

"This is Arthur Boyle, lord of the Camelot Castle, what is your message?"

Swiftly, Maki snatches the phone from Arthur's grip and fixes him a nasty glare, giving him a nice thumping in the head. "My apologies. This is the 8th Special Fire Brigade. Ah... yes, yes."

The blond boy before you only goes back to moping and picking at his pen in a depressive manner. The bump on his head seemed really painful, but he didn't show it. Taking this as an opportunity, Shinra begins to speak.


"What now?"
"Why did you become a fire soldier?"

The blond only leaned back in his seat and gave a smug smirk, both you and Shinra waited eagerly for his response, but you had an inkling to what his answer would be."Hmph, because I'm a knight, duh."

"That's not a very good reason," you sighed. "But it was expected for someone as thick-headed as you."

Before he could even open his mouth, Maki whirled around and walked over to where you three sat. Putting her fists in her hips, she looked you three dead in the eyes.

"Alright guys, the call just now, it seems like a dog got stuck up a... tree and can't get down."
You laughed. "A dog? The last time I checked, dogs don't climb."

"Still, isn't that a job for a regular firefighter?" Arthur asked and Maki only shrugged.

"Phone calls mixing up with the firefighters and fire soldiers are very common. Besides, I thought you guys didn't like office work? If so, I can go handle it myself-."

"Say no more! Count me in!"

Shinra shot up from his seat and began to make his way to the door, with Arthur following suit. Fully intending to also dip out of paperwork, you bounded out from your seat and headed towards the door until a voice stops you in your tracks. You turn around slowly, dreading the words that were soon to come out of her mouth.

"Ah ah ah, I still need someone to help me handle all the leftover work!" Maki smiled sickeningly sweetly. "You two go on ahead, me and [ Name ] will finish up the rest." You visibly deflated.

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