«|| 17: FIRED!?

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 "Guh..." One brigadier groaned.

"Ugh..." went another.

You all decide to go outside to meet the others after Hibana had let you know of the shady things she found about the Human Combustions. But instead of the rest of the 8th Brigade standing before you as you had expected, you were greeted with the sight of the multiple brigadiers of the 5th laying motionless, either groaning or moaning in pain. You all grimace slightly.

"Well, you certainly did a spectacular number on things around here, didn't you, 8th Brigade?" Hibana says mockingly, her arms crossed.

'This was definitely the work of Lieutenant Hinawa' you all seem to think in unison, but you were the only one to actually voice it out loud. "Yeeeeah, this was definitely Lieutenant Hinawa's work."

It goes completely silent for a while before Hibana props her hands on her hips and lets out a hefty sigh.

"So enlighten me: how exactly are you planning on explaining this feud to the useless ankle-biters up top?"

Shinra sweats guiltily. "Batallion Commander Obi had planned on feigning the ordeal as collaborative, late-night training prior to the invasion but..."

"Before he was able to make necessary arrangements, you all decided to jump headfirst, is that the gist of it?" She catches on quick! Good for her, but not so good for the rest of you. You all look down in shame, fully realizing the severity of the stunt you all pulled.

"If you continue acting on the spur of the moment like that, you'll certainly slip up sooner or later."

Both you and Iris give a small 'Yes Hibana. We understand.' under your breaths out of pure instinct, but Iris suddenly brightens up, an innocent smile adorning her features.

"I just had a wonderful idea!" She clasps her hands, beaming bright. "What if we were to organize a dinner party after this between the 5th and the 8th Brigades? How does that sound?"

Immediately after Iris proposed her idea, you and Shinra began telling her the multiple ways it may not work, but Hibana surprises you with her own words again.

"I see... that's not a bad idea..."

Both you and Shinra look up at her in shock. "Huh!?"

"In order to evaluate the battle prowess of the 5th Brigade, I decided the 8th would be the most suitable for the job and reached out to them on short notice. As a result, we conducted combat simulations without prior warning."

"[Name], Shinra. You both stormed into the 5th's barracks. It falls upon both of your shoulders to gather up the rest of your brigade members. We'll wrap up all of this with a dinner party." You couldn't help but sigh at the thought of searching throughout the whole of the whole premises to look for your crewmates, but you bit back your complaints.

Shinra looks tired, but he nods anyway. Before following you to go and look for them, he asks Hibana a question. "You're uh... you're rather cooperative about all this, aren't you?"

"Hm?" Hibana hums before pinching and twirling a lock of her hair again. Only this time, you could see her abashed expression.

"Well, after all... I've fallen so hard for you I can't help it."

Was it always this easy to seduce older women with just cheesy words or was it just Hibana?


"Shinra!! [Name]!" Captain Obi calls out, and you are quick to respond.

"On it!"

The Infernal let out a garbled laugh, almost as if it was having fun being chased around. It easily maneuvered around Captain Obi, leaping on the buildings before turning around to stick out its tongue. Both you and Shinra follow right on its tail as you go up higher, but you soon realize soon after that you won't be able to make it fast enough before it goes to terrorize more people, despite your incredible speed as is. It was just too fast.

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