«|| 14. Princess of Delusions

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        You heave a heavy sigh as you lean slowly into the comfort of your linen sheets. Maki was as ruthless as ever, and you wanted nothing more than to shut your eyes to rest your aching muscles, so you do just that.

But as usual, sleep doesn't embrace you with its welcoming arms.

Shinra, in the bunk opposite from you, lets out a sigh of his own, only his was more troubled. His arms are tucked under his head as his gaze focuses on the ceiling.

"I know that kind of sigh," You say as you prop yourself up. Exhaustion tugged heavily at your eyes, but you ignored it. "What's on your mind?"

"It's Sister," Shinra says and before you know it, a cheeky grin grows on your features.

"Oh, it's about that, huh? I knew you had a crush on her, it's kinda obvious though; with the way you keep ogling her, even the densest of people could figure that out." Unconsciously, your eyes flit in Arthur's direction before landing on Shinra once more. "Personally, I don't mind, but if you do end up hurting her in some way, I'd have no reason not to beat your ass." You laugh heartily, but to Shinra, it had a different meaning.

His face glows brighter than the reddest reds you'd ever seen, to the point that the lack of light in the room couldn't hide it and he gulps audibly. Though you are smiling, he knows the threat was far from an empty one, as he's already experienced your strength firsthand.

He shoots up quicker than he moves on his feet and sputters uncontrollably. "N-n-no! It's not- I mean- there is someone I've got my eyes on, but... uh, n-not that Sister isn't- ooh... uh," you couldn't help but raise your eyebrow at the statement, but you let him continue nonetheless.

"She's- uh, been really down lately and I couldn't help but think about it... has something happened to her recently?"

"What?" Arthur finally pipes in, his sheet no longer resting on his chin. "The Princess had just appointed me the leader of her band of knights."

The urge to facepalm then and there was strong. "That's not what Shinra meant, Arthur. Plus, you're not much of a knight when you're in pajamas."

Arthur goes silent for a while before shifting. "Hmph. Why the sudden interest anyway? Did something happen to the Princess?"

"Stop calling her a princess, would you?" Shinra sighs for the nth time. "What would that make Maki then?"

Almost as if on cue Maki opens the door of your bunker slowly, calling each of your names respectfully with some urgency. "[Name]! Shinra! Arthur!"

But Arthur chooses to finish his sentence just as she finishes walking through the door. "Maki's... an... ogress."

And just as quickly as Arthur muttered the last part, you all were on the floor with fresh lumps growing on your heads- but it seems like Arthur got hit the hardest out of the three of you. It really had you wondering how you even got roped in this mess in the first place. You didn't say anything!

"Who're you callin' a gorilla cyclops!?"

You all lay motionless, the only sound in the room being groans of pain until Shinra peels himself up off the floor, of course, with a bit of a struggle. Angrily, he whips around in Maki's direction and begins to yell. "What was all that about all of a sudden!? Was the beating during training not enough for ya!?"

"That's not it!" She shouts back with the same ferocity. "Have either of you seen Sister? She's run off somewhere!"

Any fatigue you previously felt was magically lifted off your shoulders as a new problem rested on them, and you swore you shouted louder than you probably ever would've.

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