«|| 02: Fires and Lies

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  "You will become the greatest pillar there is, I can feel it, just follow Her grace's and the other's footsteps, and she will reward you, and this time, maybe we could just make it happen. You've escaped once, and it won't happen again, now that we know that you are harboring something great."

It's been a while since Sister Sumire had told you what she did, and it never left your mind once. Why she had told you that, you'd probably never know... how cryptic!

"[ name ]?"

You'd try to remember, in case there was a chance you had hit your head sometime earlier, like the clutz you were but came up with nothing in the end. You frowned outwardly. How frustrating!

"Uh, [ name ]? Helloooooo?"

It was only until a flick on the nose from the person you were supposed to be spending time with pulled you out of your brooding. You scrunched up your nose, ready to deck anyone who dared to mess with you until you realized who it was.

"[ name ]!! Did you fowget about me alweady? That's weally not how you tweat a giwl! Now! I asked if you wanted two sugaw cubes or one. You'we keeping all the others from getting their sugaw cubes." The girl, Daisy, pouted and waved her toy teapot over to her other 'guests'; a plush bunny and a bear.

You glared at the girl and the plush animals almost as if they'd move and cower themselves. She could've asked anyone else but you. Grabbing the teacup's handle, you took a swig and then grimaced slightly before putting on a plastic smile. This tastes like absolute horse shit!

"Soooo? How does it taste this time? I added something new to it if you couldn't tell!"

"Uh, y-yeah, it tastes lovely Daisy! You really outdid yourself this time!" You lied through your teeth, and fortunately for you, the small brown-haired girl didn't notice this lie and responded with an ecstatic beam.

Daisy's a sweet girl, something you could wholeheartedly admit, but gosh, constantly partaking in tea-parties and drinking hogwash; not your cup of tea, pun intended. But every day was like this, you'd wake up, pray, water the plants, pray, cook, etc. Speaking of, you could probably use the 'I need to water the plants' as an excuse to get out of this hellish tea-party.

"Ehh, Daisy? I think I'm gonna go to water the vegetables now." You lied, yet again, gosh, you really needed to lean back on relying on lies.

"Nuh-uh-uh, [ name ]! Bwyony already watewed the veggies, thewe's no need."

Damn! She's getting smart! Quick! Say something else.
"Uh, remember when Sumire pulled me over yesterday," you began to scratch at your cheek, for someone who constantly lied to get their way, it still proved to be an issue. "Er... she told me to water the vegetables extra, it's gonna be hot today, heh.

Not even waiting for a response you dashed into the direction of the garden, not once looking back. If you had stayed any longer, she'd surely punish you with longer teatimes, and more of that rancid liquid.

Nearing the garden now, you could see two figures up ahead, one taller than the other, and a flower crown of sorts in the shorter girl's hands. Deciding against avoiding them, since all the girls had a knack for finding you, you walk up to the pair.

You greet them both with a 'hey' and they respond with a 'hello' of their own, though, the shorter girl, who you could now tell is Iris, greets you with a large grin.

"Oh, hello [ name ]! I made you something, here," she grips the flower crown softly and walks up to you, stands on the tips of her toes, and rests the crown on your head.

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