«|| 06. Playing With Fire

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    "Ahh, nothing can get better than this..." You mumbled as you threw a handful of blueberries into your mouth.

        The breeze ruffled your [h/c] locks ever so slightly. You breathed out a contented sigh and brought a hand to your head, running your fingers along your hair. Watching the clouds lazily slink by was quickly your new favorite pastime; if you had the chance, you would look at it for hours. You took note of the interesting shapes they formed, the one shaped like a dragon being your ultimate favorite.

        All of the members were allowed to take a day off, and you decided it would be nice to just lay on the roof. Maki and Iris had also accompanied you, having to like the idea of just chilling out for a bit. Maki had pulled out a large picnic blanket, and you three piled onto it and watched whatever Maki was going to perform next. Maki pulled out a little dish from out of her pocket and poured some liquid in it. Lighting a match, she placed the small stick into the container, and it burst into flames upon contact.

          "Come out, Pusupusu," she whispered as she waggled her fingers over the flames. As she said that, a little ball of fire floated upwards, donning a cute little face. Every so often, the small ball of fire made little chants, 'Pusupusu, pusupusu!'. Both you and Iris cooed and applauded Maki eagerly. The plump ball of fire continued to drift around until it nestled itself on top of your head.

        "Maki! You're so cool! You really can control flames freely... I'm almost a little envious." Iris nudged her head onto your lap, and your hand instinctively went to braid her blonde locks. You did it so often to every sister who wanted someone to lean on back at the church that it just became ingrained into your being. Maki only gave a shaky smile in response to the compliments.

        "Right! I was hoping you could teach me how to do things like that. Right now, I can only make small things, and I want to make them bigger sometime. Look, I'll show you." Manifesting your flames into your palm, you envisioned a particular person into your head, albeit unwillingly, and let your palms grow warm. 

        Blue flowers of all shapes and forms floated in the air, almost mimicking the way Hibana's flowers drifted all those days ago. You smiled softly after looking at Maki's and Iris's awestruck expressions.

        "Those- those are beautiful!" Maki exclaimed. "But this is what I mean; I'm only a Second Gen. If I were a Third Gen like you [Name] or Shinra, I wouldn't have to use fuel to start a fire." The girl across from you pouted, and you felt sympathy coil in your stomach. You opened your mouth to say something, but Iris beat you to it.

        "Not true! I don't think even Third Generations can manipulate flames this freely." She spoke, and you couldn't help but nod in agreeance. You stretched your arm to pat Maki on the head, and she blushed at the contact. "Yeah, so don't be so hard on yourself, okay? From what I saw the other day, you're more powerful than you let on!" Completely stunned, Maki only sat there gaping, her hand ghosting over the area you patted.

        Turning back around now, you grab Iris's wrist, preventing her from touching Pusupusu, who, surprisingly, still sat atop your head.

        "Ah, Iris! I know Pusupusu's cute, but he's still made out of the fire. The last thing I want to see right now is you getting hurt." The said girl only blushed in embarrassment and muttered a small 'sorry.' Both of them are blushing... I don't understand why? You opened your mouth to say something more, but the sound of the doors bursting open cut you off. Out rolled Shinra and a blond-haired boy who seemed to be the same age as you, plumes of dust trailing them.

        "We're settling our score today!" Shinra spat, shifting himself into a fighting stance. The boy clothed in a dark uniform said nothing in response and went into his stance. Dramatically, he removes the sword off of his hip and rips off the scabbard only to reveal a... bladeless sword?

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