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I rolled out of bed with a headache already brewing. My phone has been going off for what seems like an hour. I clicked on the message that said I was added to a groupchat.

Tvd & Originals

Oh shit, I think I added the wrong number.

Damnit Daniel, you're so stupid sometimes.

Who did you add then?

No clue. We just have to see I guess.

Hey, whoever this is we are sorry. We meant to add Zach.


Um, hi. That's fine. Who is this? Who is everyone?

I'm Daniel Gillies.

Wait, omg. Is this everyone from
the actual show? You're not shitting me right now, right? Holy shit.

Nope this is us. Btw I'm Ian Somerhalder.

Daniel Gillies:
What's your name?


I'm Elle. It's not short for anything though.

Sorry guys, I was busy. Oh hey Elle, I'm Nathaniel Buzolic.


Wow, this is amazing. I love
you guys, youre all amazing.

Nate Buzz:
Thank you.

Daniel Gillies:

Ian Somerhalder:
Again, we are sorry, we didn't mean to add you. Daniel fucked up Zach's number. This gc was suppose to be for business.

Oh well, I can go. I didn't mean to intrude. It was great speaking to you all.

Daniel Gillies:
Sorry, really I am. We love you, thanks for being a fan.

Elle left the group chat

A million things raced through my heads from what I had just experienced. I was still in disbelief.

Surely that couldn't actually be Ian Somerhalder, and Daniel, and Nate fucking Buzolic. What the fuck.

I walked downstairs with my phone in my hands. I was starving, I was about an hour late from the time I usually sit to have breakfast.

I was having avacado on toast, bacon, and eggs. Yummy. I never realized how much of a basic Californian I've become since I moved here.

I was putting my dishes in the dish washer when my phone went of


Hey Love, I'm sorry for what happened in the groupchat. I'm sure you can forgive them. Since you were so kind and left for us to continue with our business, I thought it'd only be fair that I meet up with you to make up for the coincidence.
-Joseph Morgan

Um, wow I wasn't expecting
this. I would love to. I live in California. I can drive to LA, if
that is better for you. I live only
half an hour away. Also, I love
you and you're amazing. Klaus
has always been my favourite
Mikaelson lol.

Thank you, love. LA works perfectly. Does Saturday work for you? About 12:00pm?

Perfect, that's my day off.
Where would you like to
meet at? Your call.

You know the Starbucks in the main mall? There works just fine for me.

Awesome! I love coffee.
Also, I'm 25 incase you were
wondering. Thank you!

Oh alright, well I'm assuming you know my age haha. Text me if you need anything, Elle. Have a wondeful
day, love.


It happened again. Well, technically not again, but Joseph Morgan texted me! Now I had a million more things to worry about.

What am I going to wear Saturday? When should I leave? Should I be there super early, or should I be on time? How was I going to do my hair and makeup?

All I knew is that I couldn't wait for Saturday. It was going to be possibly the best day of my life.

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