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"Elle wait. I have a question," Joseph caught me just before I opened the door to leave.

I spun around, causing mine and Joseph's face to be inches apart. But he stepped back, giving both of us space.

"What is it?" I asked.

He paused for a moment, "Well, I don't want you to drive intoxicated or even when it's this late. You could stay here if you'd like. Persia won't be back for a while anyways. It's the least I could do."

"Oh no it's fine really. I don't want to cause anything," I responded. It was a sweet offer, but I didn't want to give the ideas of being a home wrecker.

"Please, I insist. I mean, I want you to. Persia and I fight a lot, and it'd just be nice to have someone here that I get along with. Even just for a day or two," Joseph kept insisting.

I didn't want to say no, of course I want to stay at Joseph Morgan's house. I just felt like I was intruding, but he sounds like he really needs someone. It could just be the bourbon, but I didn't want to turn him down.

"Yeah I'll stay," right as the words came out of my mouth his face brightened.

He leaned on the wall next to him, "Shit, well, you see, we dont have the spare bedroom we're doing some remodeling on it. The only options are my bed and the couch. I guess you can sleep with me, I hate to leave you stranded on the couch."

"No, that's alright. I can sleep on the couch tonight. "

Joseph kept checking with me to see if the couch was alright, and I kept reassuring him it was. After a while, we ended up watching a movie in silence. The day had us both tired. You could see it all over Joseph's face, and I could definitely feel it. About a third of the way through the movie I fell asleep.

When I woke up I heard knocking on the door. As I stretched, Joseph went to go check, "Shit, it's Persia. She is going to kill me."

He unlocked the door and greeted Persia back into her home. "Finally, you were dead asleep. I guess I left my keys here before I left."

"Yeah I guess so. Um hey, this is Elle. She stayed the night. We had her over so she could meet everyone. She lives a while away so I didn't want her to drive home in the dark," Joseph tried to explain it so Persia wouldn't get mad at him, but judging by the look on her face, it didn't work.

She was like a ticking time bomb, and eventually she went off. She started to yell, "Oh and I just have to take your word and assume you didn't sleep with her? Damn it Joseph I said I was sorry! I cheated on you once, and now I get this? I was actually wanting to talk about everything with you, but screw it. I'll figure everything out myself. Screw you." She stormed out the door in anger. Uh oh.

A/N: Sorry this is a pretty short chapter!! Thank you for reading though <3

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