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Joseph walked over to where I was laying on the couch and sat down, "I'm so sorry, Elle. This is all my fault, I should've done something."

"No, it's fine. Do you need to talk though? She cheated on you, Joseph. Is that why you guys argue so much?" I tried to comfort him as much as I could.

He took a deep breath, "Sort of. It's that and work. We don't spend much time together, and it's tearing us apart. I love her, I do, but I can't keep going on like this. I think I'm going to end things with her."

My heart sunk a little having that conversation with Joseph, but I let him carry on. We talked for a couple hours at least. Then both of our phones went off.

With no surprise, it was the group chat. Neither of us were answering, so Daniel decided upon himself to call Joseph in the middle of our conversation.

"What do you want?" Joseoh picked up the phone, a little angry.

I couldn't hear was Daniel said, but Joseph goes, "He wants to talk to you."

I grab the phone and put it up to my ear, "Daniel?"

"Can Joseph hear me?" he asks. I respond telling him and no and so he follows with an unexpected question, "What happened between you and Joseph last night?"

"We watched a movie Daniel. Jeez, we are two adults," he was unbelievable. And to think he is older than the both of us.

He continued, "That's the point. Two adults, alone time. I know him and Persia got in another argument about it anyways, so you can tell me the truth."

All I did was hand Joseph's phone back to him and tell him to straighten up his 'brother'.

After he gets done on the phone, you start to gather your things, "Well I better be on my way now."

"No, wait. I didn't discuss this with you yet, but I got you something."

"What?" a look of confused was painted all over my face.

"Well, kind of. Julie said I could bring you to see Mystic Falls. And maybe I could get you a staff job or something, until a new character position opens up at least."

My jaw dropped, and I couldn't help but hug Joseph. A smile spread from ear to ear, "Thank you."

A/N: This is a SUPER short chapter but it was just so I could get an update in. Sorry for making you all wait so long! I've been so so busy.

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