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I entered the café, looking around for the group that was suppose to be there, and when I didn't see them my heart sunk a little.

I pulled out my phone to call Joseph, but right when I found his contact someone snuck behind me. "Boo," I let out a scream as a whipped around to see who it was. Surely enough, it was Ian, and we was already drinking a little. I could smell it in his breath.

I hugged him tight. Even though I loved Stefan, I was always a Damon girl, an Ian girl.

"It's nice to meet you too Elle," Ian pushed back from the hug.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted this to happen," I cause kiss Ian right now I was so happy.

A few short moments later we were headed to go meet the others. I drove Ian wherever we were meeting, because I guess they got tired of him and dropped him off.

"People actually recognized us so we have to go somewhere more private," Ian looked at me as he talked.

"Like where?" I asked. Nowhere in L.A. was really 'private'.

"Well Joseph said Persia id off doing her own thing for a week, so his house," he spoke about it so casually.

I was going to be in Joseph Morgan's house. I might as well faint right now.

Ian told me to pull over so I did. Here we were, the beautiful house that belonged to Joseph. Ian and I walked inside together and entered the living room where everyone was gathered.

You could tell they were a bit of a chaotic group when they were together. Joseph and Daniel were, of course, doing their bestie things. Paul and Ian hugged right when we walked in the door. Both Michael's looked like they were played beer pong, but with random liquids I guess. I guess it wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the fact that it isn't even 1:00pm.

When I walked in everything slowly came to a stop, and everyone migrated towards me. For the next five minutes I was greeted with hugs. They were the best hugs of my life.

Minutes later I was sat on the couch, watching Michael and Michael finish their game. Ian was sat on one side of me, and Joseph on the other.

The game finally finished and Ian was desperate to play. "Elle, let's play. I'll put a shot of bourbon in each cup. Paul and me. You and Joseph."

I looked over a Joseph. He smiled, quickly following it was a shrug. Ian pulled me up from the couch. Joseph got up and we went to our end of the table. Ian poored bourbon in all 20 cups, then went and told Paul he was playing. Then the game began.

Ian started it, making one of the ping pong balls in a cup. Joseph downed it and made a face. After that, everyone watched our game. Joseph followed by making both and Ian took both shots. Paul followed and made one. I took the shot, and then he made the second. I took the shot again, no facial expression. Bourbon is actually really good.

By this time everyone was rooting for Joseph and I, except for Nina and Zach, they were team 'Salvatore'. However, Joseph and I fought to the end and won. He picked and up and spun me around before setting me back down. We then put our hands together and put them in the air to symbolize us being victors.

Ian walked over to me, "Damn you can party."

"Well, I learned from Damon, he was a great partier on Vampire Diaries," Ian smiled at my response.

It took a couple hours for everyone to settle down. And by that time it was still only 5:00pm. Time seem to be going by relatively slow, and I was completely okay with that.

When we settled down, we decided to watch a movie. Everyone gathered blankets and pillows. Chris went and made too many bowls of popcorns to count. Then we decided on the genre of the movie. Horror.

The first movie was easy to handle, but they got scarier as we went, and the time went by with it.

After the third movie we realized it was 9:30pm. Nobody was paying attention to the time beforehand, so it was a surprise to all of us.

We cleaned up all the pillows, blankets, and bowls. Everyone started slowing leaving, giving me a hug goodbye as they left.

I was about to walk out the door myself, but someone was calling me.

"Elle, wait. I have a question."

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