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It's Friday, and I've been getting more nervous by the day. I've been trying to keep my cool, but it doesn't seem to be working.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram. I saw a photo that Joseph posted just 43 minutes ago. I liked it and went to go text him.

Joseph Morgan

Hey, I don't mean to be a
bother, but what all are the
plans for tomorrow. Just
coffee and chat? Or can we
do something else too?

That's completely up to you, Love. We can get coffee and then go shopping. We wouldn't mind signing a few things of yours as well.

We? I figured it'd just be
you and I. Who else will
be there.

Most if us really. Me, Nate, Daniel, Ian, Paul, Nina, Kat, Candice, Zach, both Michaels, Steven, Matthew, Chris, and
Claire of course.

Oh wow, okay. Sounds like a
party lol. Well, it'll be nice to
meet you all. Thank you for
this by the way, not many
people get an oppurtunity to
meet the people that saved
their lives. Thank you.

Oh of course. Need anything else? Any
more questions?

Nope. Again, thank you.

Of course, Love.


I can't believe it. I am really going to meet the whole cast of Vampire Diaries. I change my mind. This is most definitely going to be the best day of my life.

I was too busy in my own thought to realize I had been invited into another groupchat. What the hell?

Real Men Only

Daniel Gillies:
Dammit, Joseph, you weren't suppose to add anyone else.

Joseph Morgan:
Shuddup. Elle, Daniel was saying that he wants to know what you look like.

Ian Somerhalder:
Daniel is going to kill you Joseph.


You all meet me tomorrow, I'm sure he can wait.

Daniel Gillies:
Okay, just promise me it's worth the wait then darling.


That's for you to decide tomorrow

Joseph Morgan:
She's playing hard to get. I like that. Sucks for you.

Daniel Gillies:
Stfu Joe.

Wait, who is this.

Ian Somerhalder:
Well, PAUL, if you were ever on the regular groupchat you would've known that this is Elle.

Joseph Morgan:
Daniel's dumbass meant to add Zach but added her instead. That's alright though, she's really cool.

Paul Wesley:
Oh shit, okay. Hi Elle. I'm Paul, obviously.


Hey Paul. Um how is everyone?

Daniel Gillies:
Ah the usual. Tired, decent.

Ian Somerhalder:
Well, I have bourbon so I'm fantastic.

Paul Wesley:
Good I suppose.

Nathaniel Buzolic:
Sorry lads, I was working out. Hi Elle, I'm doing alright.

Joseph Morgan:
Feeling quite rubbish myself, but oh well. How about yourself?


Super nervous. I literally meet everyone tomorrow. Freaking out on the inside.

Daniel Gillies:
Usually the girls do freak out when they find out they are meeting men as handsome as me.

Ian Somerhalder:
I think we all know who she is swooning over here. ;)

Paul Wesley:
Oh brother. Anyways, what's wrong Joe?

Daniel Gillies:
Only I can call him Joe. Back off.


You guys are a fun group. Just thought I'd tell you.

Joseph Morgan:
Ah well, Persia and I fought again. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Awe shit I just got back. Idk who the new chick is but I'm Chris Wood. I'm sorry to hear about you and Persia Joe.

Daniel Gillies:


Oh goodness Joseph, I really am sorry. My best wishes to you and your wife.

Joseph Morgan:
Thanks, love. See boys, this is why I like Elle. She's sweet.

Chris Wood:
Maybe Elle can be your next wife then huh Joe.

Daniel Gillies:
Chris I swear

Joseph Morgan:
Lol no I think Daniel likes her. I mean he did just recently divorce.

Daniel Gillies:
Be quiet.


I'm going to let you boys talk it out. I will be back later to chat, unless you want me to leave this one as well.

Chris Wood:

Joseph Morgan:

Daniel Gillies:

Ian Somerhalder:

Paul Wesley:
Oh no.

Nate Buzolic:
He's drunk.


Hope he is fine for tomorrow! Talk to you guys later <3


That was crazy. I can't wait to meet them in person. They are truly a blast.

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