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Joseph and I decided that it would be best if I visited home to gather some of my belongings and stay with him for a while since he had a place near set too. So, he drove me out to my house himself, and help me load some of my things in his vehicle.

After visiting his house and getting his things, we set out to head towards set.

All of this still felt so fresh to me, and very weird. It was still very surreal, like a dream of some sort. Like I was going to wake up at any second. And I did, I woke up in the car. We were here, at Joseph's place.

It took him and I a little bit, but we got settled in.

"What do you want for dinner," Joseph approached me in the guest room.

"Um, I don't know. Whatever you decide I'll eat," I said.

Joseph walked over to me, "How about I take you out for dinner?"

"If you want, I wouldn't disagree or be against it," he smile and nodded.

"Good. Put a dress on and do whatever else you need. Meet me downstairs when you're ready," he walked out of the room.

I slipped a dress on, along with some nice heels. I then curled my hair and threw some makeup on, followed be a necklace and ring. My final touch was my hand purse. After about an hour I headed down stairs.

"You looked gorgeous," Joseph staired at me as I took the last step down from the stairs.

I smiled, "Thank you." He offered me his arm and I took it. We walked out to his car, where he opened the door for me.

When we took off I played with the radio in the car. Joseph looked over at me as I did so, but he didn't say anything. So I assume he didn't mind.

The only good song I could find was a classic throwback from the 90s, 'I Want It That Way'. It was one of my favourite songs back when I was younger.

I started singing and looked over to see Joseph mumbling the words himself. While my singing grew louder, his stayed at the same tone, a mumble.

During the chorus Joseph looked over at me and smiled. I met his gaze and we both broke into laughter.


I was very tired after dinner. Joseph and I ate and danced at the fancy little restaurant he took me to. It was nice.

On the way back to his house I fell asleep in the the car, only to wake up to him carrying me into the house. He seemed to carry me with ease; he was fairly strong.

I didn't have the energy to stop him from carrying and walk myself, nor did I have the energy to change out of my clothes or clean off my makeup, so when he put me in bed I simply fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm. It was time to get ready to see the set of The Vampire Diaries, and to see what I would do for work around there.

I cleaned my makeup off from last night first, being thankful that I didn't break out. Then I changed into an outfit, hearing a knock on the door just as I finished getting dressed.

"Come in," I responded to the knock.

"I was just making sure you were up. I made some breakfast for us whenever you are ready to come downstairs," Joseph said after pushing the door open.

I nodded, "Let me just gather my stuff and I'll be right down."

Joseph smiled and began to close the door. "Wait," he pulled the door back open so he could hear what I needed to say to him. "Thank you. You know for dinner and dancing, and for carrying me to bed last night after I fell asleep in your car."

"No problem," he smiled and closed the door just as before.


We were only twenty minutes from set when leaving the house, so I decided to text the group chat.

I sent them a photo of me and Joseph in the car.


Real Men Only

*image attached*
Look who is on their way to set!

Daniel Gillies:
No way! Can't wait to see you. ;)

Nate Buzz:
Well this is exciting

Ian Somerhalder:
When did this happen?

Joseph just set it up yesterday :)

Paul Wesley:
Ah Daniel, I think Joseph is stealing your girl.

Daniel Gillies:
Tell him to back off...

Haha I'll see you guys shortly


A/N; I think I am going to end this book in a chapter or two. I just lost motivation to write it. I have another book I am working on that I need to put a bit more time in. I apologize, but I will get right to point with what happens. I hope you enjoy this chapter in the mean time :)

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