Entry No. 9

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We were on our back to our village, I think Aph said she wanted it's name go be... Phoenix Drop? Anyways, I couldn't believe we were heading back after such a short trip. Barely even got to figure anything out. We arrived at the docks of Phoenix Drop. I slowly got down out of the boat, scared of what was ahead of me.

"I'm sure all you need is a good old fashioned apology. Who knows? He may not even be mad." Vylad said, draping his head over the side of the boat to look at me.

"I know he's not mad, the hard part is the fact that I was acting like a child." I sighed, slumping over.

"Well, then go be a big girl and fix those mistakes." He smiled before disappearing.

I straighted my back as well clothes. I walked into town, anxiety clinging to me. I saw Garroth down the road. He looked over to me while speaking Dale. He seemed to do a double take before saying something to Dale and running over to me.

"Milady-" he yelled before cutting himself off, "Y/n."

He stood before me, dusting something off my shoulder and checking me, probably looking to see if I was hurt.

"I'm sorry," I said, looking down at the ground, "I shouldn't have said that, you just say it out of respect and I should be grateful that you even respect me like that.."

He put a finger under my chin, leaning it up to look at me. I stared into his helm, just barely able to see his face. From the little I could see, he was a very handsome man.

"I understand where you were coming from. As a guard my duty is to protect the lord, but also, the people of my village, you are one of those people." He said, ending with a smile.

A blush slowly formed on my face, I could feel it. It felt so intimate, like we were the only ones in the world.

"So now I ask you Y/n, what should I call you by?" He asked, that smile turned into a flirtatious smirk, though it was completely enclosed by his own blush.

"What you always have," I said with a smile.

"Well then Milady, I now think it is about time I update you on the village."

Garroth showed me around town, and explaining about Aph's most recent adventure she was on. At the end, however... Wasn't as fun.

"Now Milady, please don't run off like that again. You had us all worries sick. I don't want it to come to a point where time and time again... You have worried me so much...-"

That sounded way to familiar... I blinked several times, trying to process it. Dark mist filling my vision before I felt my legs go numb and air surround me.

"Time and time again... You have worried us so much... Do you understand what you have done to us?" Esmund asked me.

We stood in a room with a small round table separating us. Around the table was Esmund, Enki, Kul'Zak, Menphia, and myself.

"Don't be so hard on her Esmund." Enki said.

"Do you understand what she's done? We can't focus on what's going on outside these walls unless we don't need to worry about what is inside them!"

"That's enough Esmund." Menphia said.

"No, he's right, I haven't listened to him and he's the one who has to clean it up when I'm done. He is the protector for a reason." I reasoned.

"Ereni, we can understand that, but he's taking it to far." Enki said.

"He's not, it is my fault. We can't get our personal feelings get mixed into the war... We all know where that he gotten us." I said.

"And where is that exactly?" Irene asked, walking in.

"Irene, you know exactly what I mean." I told.

Everyone else simply stayed quiet, not wanting to get on the middle of this.

"I'm sorry that some of us have had feelings." Irene said sarcastically.

"You say that like I don't have feelings, have you looked around 'miss all mighty'? Cause I've been a mess from day one, at least I knew I was. You played it off like it was nothing."

"Yes, but you being so 'honest' about your feelings has gotten us into just as much of a mess. Do you see how these people feel about you?" Irene asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"It means that Menphia would protect you with her life and follow along with your shenanigans. Kul'Zak sees you like a sister and wouldn't want any bad to come to you. Enki and Esmund are in love with you and would do just the same if not more... Do you see what this is? You've taken over... And that why.. You must leave." Everyone stared shocked at Irene.

"I-I-Irene... You... You wouldn't..." I stuttered, starting to tear up. "They...."

I looked at everyone around the table. Menphia and Kul'Zak nodded back to me signalling she was right. I looked to Esmund and Enki to see that they were looking away from me...

"No...." I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

"Oh yes, Ereni.. Now, if you would please leave, we have buisness to do..." Irene said sitting down.


She waved me off and I walked towards the door with my head hung low. I looked back at them. They all looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"Any last words?" Irene asked.

"I... I love you all... Defeat him... And maybe I'll see you again.. You know-" I was cut off as tears streamed down my face.

"From this day forth, you are not a Divine Warrior..." Irene said.

I quickly ran out the door sobbing at the loss of friends....

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