Entry No. 27

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I tried to calm Aphmau down as we walked closer to her house. I was upset too but I I just focused on that we couldn't get anything done. We saw Cadenza coming around the corner, seemingly very happy.

"Da! Da! Da Da! Cadenza beauty is proud to present.. The old Laurence!" Cadenza hyped as Laurence came around the corner.

He looked so different... Personally I wasn't fully for the long red hair, but this... He looked very handsome, even in the groggy looking state he was in.

"Is that really you?" Aph questioned.

"Lord Aphmau! I want to go see your little boy!" Cadenza said before rapping her arm around Aph's, "We'll leave you two to get to know each other again."

"But we already h-" I said, cutting myself off after realizing she wasn't listening.

"Please tell me she didn't dye my hair blue.. She was laughing the entire time she was doing my "transformation" and she kept tell me to "chill"," Laurence asked.

I giggled at his worrying, "No, you look like a normal person, though that would have been much funnier if she had."

I could hear Laurence chuckle, "Your laugh is contagious my love. Haha, it feels nice to laugh again. To be honest, I'm slowly getting used to this.. change.."

"That's great Laurence. I'm so proud of you," I said happily.

"Thanks. Say, would you help me to the party? It's really hard to walk around and Cadenza just told me to follow her voice.. I kind of bumped into a lot of things on the way here.."

"Of course," I said, holding onto his hand to slowly guide him.

I looked towards the barn to see the O'khasis guards and Zane.

"Lady Y/n. By the authority of O'khasis you are hereby under arrest for espionage," one guard said.

"Excuse me?!" I questioned.

"High Priest Zane had come to the conclusion that you are trying to sabotage the treaty marriage between the son of O'khasis and the daughter of Scaleswind. You will stand trial in the village-state of O'khasis for your crimes," he explained.

"What's going in here?" Garroth questioned, coming up from behind the guards.

"Brother.. Your friend is trying to pose as your girlfriend in order to stop this wedding from happening.. Did you have any idea she was up to this? That she would stoop so low as to keep you here? She is under arrest and will be held on trial on the account of trying to start the fires of war again," Zane explained.

"You can't do this! She is completely innocent! If you lay one hand on her-" Garroth yelled.

"Now, now brother. I'm just trying to do what is lawfully right. We can't have someone unjust like her help in leading a village or tribe into espionage," Zane said.

"What exactly did she do?!" Garroth shouted out.

"She asked a theoretical question on having another woman as your lover. Now exactly why would she even ask a question like that if she wasn't planning something mischievous? Hm? It makes sense, she doesn't even a boyfriend, much less a husband so of course she'd come between this treaty-marriage. Now that she knows you're the son of the Lord of O'khasis she'll do anything for money and power, even marry into our family.. At least.. That's what I'm going to tell the courts," he said, laughing maniacally, as Laurence's arm wrapped around my waist pulling me close.

"You best not call her disrespectful names again or I'll cut your in-" Garroth got cut off.

"I don't appreciate you talking to my Lady Y/n, my fiance, at all," Laurence said calmly.

"What?!" Zane chirped, "You can't be serious.. Laurence.. Hah! Are you trying to cover for her?! I'm not stupid, I know who you are. I know what has happened to you! Don't you dare.."

"What's the matter Zane? I've heard that name before.. Aren't you the High Priest of O'khasis? I thought those types of people in power didn't believe in the Shadow Lord figure? Isn't it taboo for you to believe in that way?" Laurence asked.

"W-Well yes.. but.." Zane stuttered.

"Youre trying to take away the love of my life.. The only person that brings light into a world that has turned into dark for me.. The Council of Elders in O'khasis might not be as sympathetic to your plight of tryin to cause Lady Y/n of something she didn't do," Laurence said.

"Don't make me destroy you Laurence.. I will not let you of all people stand in my way," Zane said.

"Try me, I'd rather you destroy me than lay a hand on Lady Y/n, you don't understand... I am not associated with this village, nor do I have anything to lose," Laurence barked out.

"Heh.. I don't believe this for one second.. Garroth, dear brother.. Is this true? Is Laurence going to wed Lady Y/n?... With your blessing?" Zane asked.

Garroth... Please.. Just go along with it..

"Well? I need an answer.."

"Yes.." Garroth said softly.

"Well, my guards were quick to jump to conclusions then. Shame on you two, there will be a punishment for you both on trying to take poor Lady Y/n's life. I do apologize, my guards tend to act rather brash. Come now, let's go.. Oh, and Lady Y/n.. I look forward to attending you wedding, maybe you'll be kind enough to let me preside over it," Zane said.

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