Entry No. 34

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Dante, Garroth, and we're set to split up in search of a monk or priest. I had gone to get my horse and Garroth and Dante were gone.

"You head to the South, if you can't find anything within a few hours don't waste time looking. Don't worry about Malachi, I've got him," Laurence explained.

"Please be careful out there.." Malachi told me.

I smiled before hopping on my horse and heading South. I tried avoiding the werewolves as much as possible, but I had to get into combat a few times. I tried escaping to the top of a hill. When I had reached an open area I found a small white owl. It looked so injured and scared. I picked it up, trying to take it with me to take care of it. Wolves surrounded me as I tried to care for the bird. A shadowed figure quickly took them all down though. He looked over to me, finally able to see his face, but his eyes were covered.

"You. We're you bitten?" He asked.

"Umm.. No. Thank you." I thanked.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Pretty positive."

"Let me take a look at you," he said, coming close to me, in turn making me blush as I was weirded out.

"I-I'm fine," I said.

"Fine. Hmph, I was actually glad for once, I don't have to sit around and wait for someone to turn. You better be careful out here. The eastern wolf tribe has gone through a major population boom for some unknown reason," he explained.

"Thanks again for saving my life," I said.

"Heh, sure. You shouldn't let little owls distract you form your surroundings. That little guy there has been nothing but tro-" he was cut off by howls.

"You gotta be kidding me.." I said.

"They're calling to their tribe for backup.. I must go now." He said before disappearing.

I grabbed the owl in a golden lasso and went back to trying to find something. I looked out across the way and found a house. I tried to rush over there while the wolves headed back to the tribe. I saw a lady standing outside the house and went up to her.

"Hey there friend! Hm, I haven't seen you around here. Where you comin' from?" She asked.


"Brightport, eh? So are you us merchant, or a bard, or a monk.. What's your trade sweetheart?" She asked.

"My trade? Um... I'm the second hand to the Lord of Phoenix Drop," I said.

"Oh really? What are you doing all the way out here? You must be cold. Come,you can sit with me in the cottage," she said, bringing me inside.

"Thank you," I said as she handled me tomato soup.

"There, do you feel better?" She asked.

"So how come you believed me?" I asked.

"Tch, I'm a woman of the world. If you tell me you're something to I have any reason to doubt you? I'd still show you the same kindness I would anyone. Now, tell me.. What are you doing here in our camp?" She asked.

"I'm looking for a monk or a priest?" I asked.

"In camp there's a man named Damien. He's a traveling monk, but.. He's a bit.. c r a z y... He has a hard time getting people to sign him for any spiritual work. He also doesn't look like the kind of monk you might be thinking about.. While many are quiet and reserved this guy, well he.. He talks a lot and is sometimes hard to understand. He is very distinguishable with his crazy hair."

"He sounds terrible.."

"He's not so bad once you get to know him, but he's the only monk who works for cheap. Plus, not many monks come out here. If you want to hire him go look in the camp. He should be outside somewhere."

I nodded before saying goodbye and leaving. I looked around camp looking for him until I finally found him playing guitar.

"Yes? How can I help a little peach blossom like you m'lady?" He asked.

"I'm looking to hire a monk," I said.

"Wweeeeeeeeeeeeeee! You are in luck! Did you know I was a monk? Oh yes! Oh yes! I am the best!" He said.

"Please Don't tell me you speak in rhyme.." I sighed.

"Hm? No actually I don't, but I can if you won't."

I stood in silence, trying not to seem rude.

"Now sugar tree, what can I do for thee?" He asked.

I told him all about Malachi's situation and how he couldn't leave.

"Oh yes, I see... You mean to set the child free. Well that is indeed something I can do... For just the right amount of which will be between me and you," he said.

"How much do you charge?" I asked.

"I charge.. I charge.. Oh some quite large! Diamonds, diamonds! Quite frankly so I do not have to mine them. I charge ninety diamonds , or ten blocks of diamond. I quite say it'll be hard to find them," he explained.

I sighed pulling out some that Garroth had given me after the statue incident.

"Wow! Wow! You are able to pay me now!? Well then let's do it. Lead the way, quickly, let's move it!"

I paid him and we went back to the castle. I was greeted by all three guards.

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