Entry No. 29

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I was now on the ground and stable, which was good for me. I decided it's be best to go visit Laurence since... Well, I don't know actually. I walked into his room to see the color had come back to his eyes, though they were now more of a greyed blue than the bright green of before.

"Laurence?" I called, hoping I was right.

"My love!" Laurence said, getting up to hug me, stumbling a little in the process, "I'm so glad to see you! It feels like to long."

I leaned into his hug, glad to see him so happy after his recent trauma.

"You can see..." I said with a smile.

"I'm need to rest, but, please come back. I don't want to lose seeing a beauty like yourself again..." Laurence said, pulling out of the hug to look at me.

He gave me a flirtatious look as he scanned me. I could feel my blush grow and I left so he could rest. I passed by Aph on my way to go check up on the new statue.

"Hey! Oh, I'll be leaving for the eastern wolf tribe with Kiki. Please take care of the village while I'm gone?" She asked.

"Actually, why don't I take you there? My boat is already here and I've been meaning to go visit the wolves," I replied.

"That actually sounds perfect," she said with a smile.

She rushed off and I decided to go to the docks to get everything prepared, only to see a familiar albino werewolf. I walked over to him, wondering what he was doing here.

"Sister Ere-" he started after seeing me, before I cut him off.

"You must be from the eastern wolf tribe.."

"Sister! It's me! Lowell," he said excitedly.

"It's so good to see you. Though I'm sure you must be needing to get back to the tribe, I should be leaving to there tomorrow."

"We'll make sure to have a house set up for you."

"Thank you," I said, waving him off.

I got on my ship, remembering what happened last time I has sailed it... I set up beds in the captain's quarters, it was small, but I thought we might need it. I cleaned everything up a bit. My ship wasn't extremely big, but it was pretty nice. I headed back to my house to pack some clothes and food, as well some armor and grabbed my good sword just incase. I decided to go see Garroth to make sure he'd know we both would be gone this time. I walked into the plaza only to see the statue up close... Fear filled me but I tried not to show it. I saw Garroth, imediately going towards him.

"Milady," he greeted.

"Hello Garroth, I wanted to let you know that Aphmau and I will be going to the eastern wolf tribe. Kiki needs to go there apparently. I don't think that we should be gone for that long. Will you be alright with taking care of the village?" I explained.

"Of course Lady Y/n, we'll be awaiting your arrival back."

I nodded to him, I wanted to help them mine everything up, but I needed to get away from that statue. I slept for the night only to get up early and grabbed my stuff and went to the boat. I set my stuff down before going to grab Kiki. I arrived at Kiki's to see her laying down on her bed. She looked like she really wasn't feeling well. My mind could only think of the gift I saw Zane gave her... She seemed to wake up but she was still very groggy.

"Ready to go sleepyhead?" I asked.

She only nodded to me. I helped her to my ship and laid her down on a bed. I went out of the captain's quarters and saw Garroth and Laurence out on the shore.

"How come I only get to hear about your departure from Zoey my love? Did you not want me to know?" Laurence questioned, making me giggle.

"It was a little last minute, I'm mostly just a ride if anything for Aphmau and Kiki," I said giggling, "Garroth, please make sure Laurence doesn't push himself too much while I'm gone."

"Of course Milady."

"Now remember that also includes you though, don't stay up all night on watch just because Aphmau and I will be gone," I said, somewhat sternly as well as jokingly.

"Ha! She told you!" Laurence laughed.

"She got onto you too," Garroth replied.

I laughed at their little argument, maybe a little too much as Laurence and Garroth looked at me. I looked to see them both with smiles on their faces, though Garroth's was much harder to physically see.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't think I've ever seen you that happy before, it's just nice," Laurence said with a smile, this time it wasn't sly.

"He's right, it's nice to hear you so happy," Garroth agreed.

A blush imediately appeared on my face, looking up the hill I saw Aph staring down at us... All my head could think of was... Not again... I tried to not show it though, I couldn't after what the boys said.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Aph.

"Yes, as soon as you're ready. Where is Kiki?" Aph asked.

"She's in the captain's quarters if you want to go check on her."

She nodded before going up onto the ship with a goodbye to Garroth and Laurence. I smiled at the boys very fake and hugged them both goodbye, hoping Aph wasn't looking, but I could feel a glare burning into my back.

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