Entry No. 36

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"It's because Garroth's father, the current Lord of O'khasis once known as a symbol of peace is now turning into a tyrant in his old age. Isn't that right Garroth?" Laurence asked.

"Laurence!? I thought you were dead asleep," Garroth questioned.

"You know as well as I do that a good guard sleeps with one eye always open. Now, tell me.. When were you going to let Y/n know?" Laurence continued to ask.

"Know about what?!" Garroth asked.

"Your father," Laurence spoke out harshly.

"It's none of her business, it doesn't affect-" Garroth said, getting cut off.

"Don't you dare say it doesn't affect her, it's going to affect us all if we don't start doing something about it," Laurence said, anger seeming to start to fill him.

"Garroth?" I started to question.

"Wake up Garroth! They're forming an alliance of villages. How long before O'khasis will convince that alliance to make them overseer, then an actual monarchy?!" Laurence said getting a bit louder.

"That won't happen..." Garroth said, anger now starting to seeming to feel him as well.

"Yes. It. Will. It's already happening. They seemed the village of Brightport with guards! They're imposing a curfew for goodness's sake! How long after Brightport falls will they come after Phoenix Drop?! Not to long I'd say," Laurence continued, he was obviously upset at this point.

Every bone in my body seemed to hurt. I hated this... I hated this feeling... None of this was good..

"Quiet Laurence!" Garroth shouted out.

I could feel my breath hitch before fairly quickly going back to the apparently hyperventilating I was before.

"Don't talk to me like I'm some apprentice guard!.. Because I hear you have such a good reputation with those..." Laurence said.

Garroth quickly went after Laurence as they began to fight, Garroth's helm falling off in the process. I couldn't handle this, it hurt to much to watch, but I was frozen in fear.. Unable to move..

"Tsk. If you wanted to fight me Garroth, you have just said so," Laurence teased.

Garroth growled at Laurence.

"You shouldn't be seen like this infront of Y/n. I'm going back inside. Take the time to cool off out here. Talk to her, to-be Lord to to-be Lord.." Laurence said, probably noticing how I was..

Laurence went inside as I went to Garroth.

"Garroth?" I called, fairly sheepishly from my point of view this time.

"Laurence is right..." Garroth said, "I owe Laurence an apology for losing my temper... But, Lady Y/n I need to talk to you about the possibility of war."

"No... Garroth no, no, no.." I said, squatting down and curling up over my knees.

Tears had been flowing from my eyes before this and I hadn't noticed, not did anyone else... But this... This was too noticed...

"Y/n!?" Laurence called, coming out from around the corner and sitting right beside me.

I could feel myself drifting towards something... Definitely not consciousness.. I tried to snap myself out of it. I hit my head trying to keep myself from going under. I didn't want to go into my subconscious right now.. We had to go save Logan I couldn't waste more time..

"Shut up brain! Shut up! I don't want to remember anything right now!" I yelled out as I banged and pressed pressure points.

I slowly regained at least enough consciousness for me to function... I looked up to see Garroth and Laurence staring at me with concerned looks.

"I..." I stumbled.

"Y/n.." they both called.

"Are you that afraid of your memories?" Garroth asked.

"I..." I stumbled again.

"Garroth! Come on, let me get you inside, you'll be warmer and we still have a while before we depart," Laurence said before picking me up bridal style and setting me down on my sleeping area.

"Look at Dante.. Sleeping like a kid. He's not a very good guard if he slept through all that yelling heh!.. And Malachi.. I'm glad we're taking him with us. He deserves to know love," Laurence said.

"Laurence I owe you an apology," Garroth said, walking in.

"Nah, it's me who should be saying sorry," Laurence replied.

"No but..." Garroth starts before looking over at me, "Let's talk about this later."

"Agreed," Laurence said, looking over towards me and smiling.

"God are you two going to make up or just point out the obvious?! Some people are trying to sleep with one eye closed here!" Dante yelled.

We all laughed at him.

"Fine then, I'm sorry." Laurence said.

"My apologies to you as well," Garroth said.

"Let's turn in now.. Sunrise will be in a few hours.." Laurence said.

Laurence seemed to grab a spare cloth and sat beside me. He turned my face to look at him before wiping my cheeks of their tear stains. He pulled his hand away, just staring into my eyes. I leaned my head into his chest in turn.

"You're beautiful Y/n," he said, more genuinely than ever before.

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