Entry No. 51

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I rushed into Lucinda's after hearing she was able to help Alexis. I climbed up the ladder only to find I was just on time. Everyone stood around Alexis and watched as Lucinda preformed her magicks. After finishing the spell Lucinda started to fall forward so I got infront of her to catch her. Nobody seemed to notice, but it did leave me in a fairly embarrassing position. Everyone thanked Lucinda and she replied in a daze. Everyone soon left and it was just Lucinda and myself. I had gotten her to stand up but by now she was back to being worn out and fell right back down onto me. I ended up falling back and we ended up in the same position as before... Except on the ground. Lucinda's head placed right on top of my chest.

"You know, these really are soft, thanks for catching me cutie," she said, obviously still dazed.

I got her up and into bed, which in turn made her fall asleep in seconds. I sighed before heading downstairs and straight to Malachi. He even tried to help as myself and some others set up a small party outside of Aphmau's house for Alexis's wake. I stayed with the little ones and we all played.

I woke up to an excited Malachi.

"Are you busy today mom?" He asked.

"Not when it comes to you," I said with a smile.

We needed up packing a picnic and heading out the gates to a beach. On our way out we saw Dante.. he seemed to be talking to a communication amulet.. It worried me but we went on. We made it to the beach side and set up a little area before going to go play in the sea. We made a sandcastle and splashed each other. It was so much fun. After a while in the sun we went ahead and ate before going into the forest to pick flowers.

"Make sure you stay by my side, I don't want either of us to lose each other," I warned before grabbing his hand.

He nodded and we picked more flowers. We ended up heading back to the house and making some matching flower crowns.

"Hey Malachi, do you want to go get some cake from Kawaii Chan's and go watch the sunset from the tree house?" I asked.

"Yes! Of course!" He said excitedly.

I giggled and we ordered a (favorite cake). We waited and played around with Kawaii Chan's maids.

"So what's the occasion? Kawaii Chan doesn't remember Y/n Senpai usually coming by for cake," Kawaii asked.

"There isn't really one, Malachi and I just thought it'd be the perfect end to our day together," I said with a smile.

"That makes Kawaii Chan so happy! So what have Y/n Senpai and Malachi Kun done?" She asked.

"Well, we went to the beach outside of the gates and then we went to pick flowers in the forest, oh, and then we made these flower crowns for each other with the flowers! It's been so much fun!" Malachi explained with a smile.

"Wow! Kawaii Chan's jealous, that does sound like fun Malachi Kun!" She said.

We all talked before Kawaii Chan got us our cake. We then headed towards the tree house only to see Garroth along the way. I could feel Malachi look up at me.

"Mom? I know it's our day together, bit can mister Garroth come to the tree house with us?" He asked.

"Of course he can, let's go ask him," i said with a smile.

We walked on over to Garroth, he seemed to be somewhat worried but smiled when he saw us.

"Hello Garroth, Malachi and I were wondering if you'd want to come eat cake with us while we watch the sun set?" I asked.

"That sounds like a wonderful time, of course," he said, smiling down to Malachi.

We headed off towards the tree house. Malachi rushed up the stairs with the cake in hand.

"Hey Garroth, I wanted to ask you... Would Laurence, Dante, and yourself be willing to train me?" I asked.

"You mean, to fight?" He asked.

I nodded to him, he seemed shocked. It made sense since I am a bit of a pacifist, but I thought with all of the talks of war and everything, it might be handy.

"Well, I suppose so. If anything I'm willing to help you train," he said.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

We soon sat down, Malachi had already cut a slice for Garroth and I. I looked down to see he didn't cut himself one, then it got me. I quickly rushed over to him and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Malachi! It completely slipped my mind!" I shouted.

"It's okay mom, we already did so much fun stuff today. On top of that you seemed like you wanted it, and I like to see you happy," he said with the sweetest smile at the end.

I hugged him close, a tear running down my cheek.

"I love you so much, mom. You don't have to worry," he said.

"I love you too Malachi.." I said, starting to bawl at the fact he said I love you.

"Wait! Mom! Did I say something wrong! Did I make you cry!?!" Malachi said pulling away.

"She's just happy Malachi," Garroth chuckled.

We all watched the sun set, all of us curled up together. It made me so happy.

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