Entry No. 33

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"These people.. They are scared of me and talk of me like I'm not even here.. I'm right here.. but you.. Will you really take me in?" Malachi asked.

"Of course I will," I answered.

"I have.. A home again... I promise, I'll be good and try to control my power.. I'll only use it for good. I just.. I love you.. Thank you for giving me a home in your heart.." he said with such a bright smile before dozing off.

I tucked him under the blanket and laid one down right next to him for myself. I couldn't really sleep though. I watched as tension filled the room. Nobody was talking which made it very... Awkward.. That night we decided to depart.

"Lady Y/n... I hate to be the one to break the news to you but.. We have a major issue with Malachi," Garroth said.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"No, Malachi.. He can't leave this castle.." Garroth said.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"I fear his soul is too spiritually attached to this place... He says he wants to leave and come with us, he's even crying about it, saying he doesn't want to be alone.. But he just can't walk past the castle walls.."

"What do we do? We can't leave him here."

"I.. I don't know.. I'm not a monk or a priest that specializes in this kind of stuff. What I do know is that Malachi wants to see you. Please go to him."

I nodded before going to Laurence.

"This is horrible. He wants to leave and has people who care about him, enough to take him in... But he just can't leave," Laurence said.

"Garroth says we'd need to consult a monk or a priest," I said.

"Hmm.. Garroth is right.. Malachi's spirit may need to be exorcised from this castle. I don't think any of us here are able to do that unless Dante over there is a trained monk or priest... I can't help but feel for the kid," Laurence said, "Y/n.. I know I came looking for you but.. You have Garroth if we can't find a way for Malachi to leave I'd like to have your permission to stay behind and be with him. At least until you save Logan, I know we need to get to Logan first.. Umm, seeing as he's still alive and all.."

"I'm not even sure what to do right now.. But I will find a way to not leave either of you here."

"For now, go talk to Malachi, he's already seemed to go a very strong bond with you."

I nodded and checked in Dante.

"Y/n, I'm sure Garroth and Laurence about Malachi... but.. Well, what is on your mind?" Dante asked.

"We need to try to find a monk or priest quickly."

"I see, so we mean to exorcise his spirit. Hm, finding a priest would be the easiest solution seeing as monks are vagabonds while priests are stable."

"Monks travel a lot?" I asked.

"Yes, monks are self-taught wanderers of the land, while priests usually stay in the church. There are many different beliefs that priests can come from, for example the faith if Lady Irene, however both monks and priests are trained in the same kind of exorcism so it doesn't matter which one you go with. It's just.. How are we going to find one in such a short period of time?"

"When you escaped with Donna did you see any churches anywhere?"

"No, but.. I mean the only solution we could try to take for the time being is wander the fields and see if we can find someone. I'll go with whatever you decide. Just.. Make that choice soon."

I nodded, finally getting to Malachi.

"Waaahhh! I wanna leave with you,   Y/n! Please.. Please don't leave me alone in the dark again! Please!" He cried out, tugging on my clothes.

"I'm not going to leave you.." I said surely, putting my hand on his head.

"Th-Thank you.. I don't know what's wrong with me.. I can move the castle when I want, but I can't leave..? I mean, I have never tried to leave because no one wanted to take me but.. I just want to leave this place!"

"My friends are suggesting an exorcism."

"An.. exorcism? That might work. Can you try it for me?"

"I need to find a priest or a monk.."

"Of course! Just.. Please come back for me..? I don't want it to be like my parents when I was young and they left me here.. I will never forget that day.. Promise you'll come back for me?" He asked.

"I swear, I promise."

"T-Thank you! I'll be waiting here.."

"Looks like we're heading out to find a monk or priest," Dante said.

"Who's this "we", huh?" Laurence asked.

"Well if Y/n is going then it's only fair that one of us stay behind to be with Malachi," Dante explained.

"Are you a guard?" Garroth asked.

"Yes sir. I'm a new guard fresh out of training. My name is Dante," Dante introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you Dante. I am Garroth and this here is Laurence. We are guards of-" Garroth said getting cut off.

"Wait, those names.. You guys were the top of the class for your year. You both made the successor list.. That if a member of the Jury of Nine were to fall you would be qualified to replace them," Dante awed.

"Hey! About time someone recognized us! Garroth I didn't know you made that list too, that means you're strong. We should spar sometime," Laurence said.

"I'd love to someday with you Laurence, but let's not let Dante here slide. I realize you are a new guard but.. Why are you dual wielding katanas..? Shouldn't you have a sword shield combo?" Garroth asked.

I giggled as I realized the wall between everyone had fallen, though no one seemed to notice.

"With all due respect Garroth, my style of fighting is more suited to this weapon set. Mind you we need to focus here. The more time we waste here not finding someone to exorcise Malachi the more likely Logan might not be around to save," Dante said.

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