Im kissing Cameron Parks...and i liked it

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He kissed me and I didn't pull away and he didn't pull away. I kissed him first though but that was just to shut him up. I think. I don't even know. I don't know anything anymore. All I know right now though is that I'm kissing Cameron Parks. The one person who I thought I'd never kiss ever. I know I should but I don't want to stop kissing him. A phone rings. Of course it does. I go to check who it is and it's my dad. Oh no it's my dad. One thing I forgot to mention. Ever since my grandma died my dad has been a really bad drunk he's usually not home but he is tonight. Whenever he's home my mom goes out with Cameron's mom or stays the night. I never did because you know the whole enemy thing. He used to hit my mom she's learned to leave when he comes home. I usually climb out the window and dance. But he texted me so now I have to go home and deal with him. He's obviously drunk the text was weirdly written. He's never hit me but my moms always there to stop him. I text my mom to make sure she's out of the house. She is. Which is good but the only problem is who will protect me now. She texts me and asks me if I need her to come I don't need her to worry or come any where near my dad so I say everything's fine. "I uh I gotta go", I say in a hurry. "Yeah uh ok",he replies. I run out and get home. I open the door with my spare key and I see him in a chair with his bottle of beer. "Where have you been", he barks.I was at dance", I tell him. "You still do that crap." Something in me snapped. "It's not crap dad and you would know that if you ever came to my performances but your too drunk to even know I still dance. Father of the year." "Hey you better watch your damn mouth." He throws his bottle at me. "Don't you think you've had enough dad", I say scared. "Don't you think you've had enough dad",he mimics, "No I don't Bella now get upstairs and go to bed." He gets up and goes to the kitchen to get another beer. When he comes back I say, "Dad please I really think you've had enough let alone having two more bottles." He throws the bottle and he doesn't miss it hits my stomach and I'm still in my sports bra and shorts. The glass shards hitting my stomach. I wince in pain and anger. "Dad you can't take grandmas death as a reason to drink and hit your wife and child." He slapped me. My dad slapped me. I run out the house. "Bella come back here right now",he yells. Like he doesn't even care that he slapped me and cut me with his glass bottle. I run back to the dance studio. I get there and he's still there he's dancing. I try to run back out before he sees me and the cuts on stomach I left my hoody at the house so there would be nothing to hide it. He saw me though and he yelled for me to wait up. "Hey."I say trying to cover up my cuts the best I can but their bleeding. So when I put one arm up to my face he sees my arm with blood on it. "What happened to you Bella?" "Nothing don't worry about it." "Bella please if it was nothing you wouldn't be bleeding." "I ran into a bush on my way here." "Did you do this to yourself Bella." "What no." "Did someone else do this to you." "You don't need to worry about me Cameron." "Let me help you with the cuts at least. Come on let's go to the office. No ones there right now." "Ok fine." We walk to the office and he gets everything to help me.  He touches my cut and I wince. "Sorry." His eyes stay on mine for a minute then they drop down to fixe my cuts.He looks like he figured something out. "Did Marcus do this to you", he says angrily. "No. Marcus didn't do this. Please just don't worry about it. But I left my phone at my house so can you call your mom. My moms there with yours." "Sure.One second." "Thanks." He gets his mom on the phone and luckily she answers. "Hi mom can you please put Mrs.Campbell on the phone.Bella needs to talk to her.Here you go." He passes me the phone. I hear my mom say, "hey baby are you safe." "Yeah I'm fine Cameron is helping me fix up my cuts." I lower my voice to more of a whisper. "He hit me mom and threw his bottle at me. I know he's sad about grandma but he can't keep hurting me or you. We need to do something." I hear her start to cry. "Mom don't cry he didn't hurt me too bad the cuts aren't from dad they're uh from dance." I know it's wrong to lie but I can't stand it when my mom cries especially when it's because of me. "Uh I'll probably just stay at the studio and rehearse I have to practice", I continue. "Bye mom I love you I'll see you tomorrow", I pass the phone back to Cameron. My eyes start to tear up because I know she is heartbroken right now and I know she doesn't really believe me.

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