Chapter 3

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Jan 20, 2017

Country 3

Luna packed her things to meet her best friend, Alaine Chavez, in Country 3, a few days after her broken engagement. Alaine was the best person she knew she could turn to right now.

She arrived by 2 pm at Country 3's airport. Shed did not wait long because Alaine was already at the lounge.

"Luna!" Alaine shouted when she saw Luna in the arrival section of the airport.

Walking hurriedly towards Alaine, Luna replied "Alaine!" When they were already at arm's lenght, Luna hugged her bestfriend so tightly.

Alaine was a considered a beauty with dark brown hair, fair skin and brown eyes typical to citizens from Country 3 but her features were sharper which made her standout from the rest.

"I miss you."

"I miss you more!"

"Let me help you with your luggage. I parked the car at bay 2."

"Sure thing. Thank you for having me."

"Silly. Of course, you're always welcome."

They both giggled. They immediately went straight to Sunnydale Hotel after reaching Alaine's car.

When they arrived and settled, Alaine went ahead to interrogate her best friend to get to the bottom of the controversies surrounding her engagement.

"Luna, I know you're here because of the cancelled engagement. What's going on? You were so eager to fulfill your responsibilities to your family."

Luna sighed, "Would you believe me if I tell you that it was not me? That is was a paid write up?"

"You mean to say that it was not you who cancelled the engagement?"

She smiled bitterly, "Yes. Not to embarass our family, that jerk offered such a solution!"

Alaine laughed so hard. "Hahahaha!"

"What's so funny?" Luna was perplexed with Alaine's reaction.

"Nothing. It's just that hearing the word jerk from you sounds so deserving of that guy who must not be named."

"That's why you're my best friend."

"Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment but how are you coping up?" Alaine asked worriedly knowing that Luna took her engagement by heart.

"They say that when something unexpected takes place, life happens. So I am going to live my life well!"

"Hmm, words of wisdom. So care to tell me, what are your plans?"

"I'm going to find true love tonight."

Alaine chuckled, "Oh. That sounds dangerous to me."

"Of course not! It's not like I plan to drink until sober and get laid down. That's too irresponsible." Luna said almost laughing.

"If you say it that way then I guess I have nothing to worry about. So I guess it's just GTKY."

"GTKY? What's that?"

"Getting to know you. Meet at a reputable bar, drink a little, converse a lot and maybe meet again if you're both compatible."

"Uh-huh. That's more like it."

"You know what, I bet that Geoff Wankai would curse his life because he missed his chance to be with you. You're definitely too good for him. You're the prettiest and the smartest!"

"I thought you agreed that he's the jerk that who must not be name.  But you know, I may be hurt right now but I know I'll be stronger so just let him be happy with his life."

"O-okay. Anyway, why don't you prep yourself. I can recommend to you a great bar. Young professionals frequent that place to get to know other people. It's a wholesome bar."

"I'm counting on you for that." Luna winked and headed straight to the shower.

Broken Engagement then a WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now