eighteen: anger

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Hermione Granger is capable. She is also not a morally grey character-- she follows her moral code like it's a religion.

Hermione Granger is capable throughout anger that makes her vision red and her mind fuzzy because she's simply a capable person, dispite whatever circumstances may surround her. What Hermione Granger isn't is an intuitively morally righteous character. Throughout difficult circumstances, her will slices through any setbacks that might've come with her Do No Harm mindset. Anger melts her "religion" like butter. Capable she remains but she'll get more predisposed to hurting others for a Greater Good.

It's a flaw, she'll admit. Her tendency to act more like a mad scientist than a person is far from refreshing.

It's a flaw, but one she does not indulge herself in often and one she's grown used to. It makes itself known, rears its ugly head, when she plots to become Umbridge's undoing. She is angry, angry beyond belief, at Umbridge and her actions and the system that not only doesn't condemn them but endorses them.

She's infuriated. Mad at the world that surrounds her and the world that doesn't but could. Hermione Granger is pissed, not always dedicated to studying the why's and when's of right and wrong, but always, always capable.

She plan-- not the one that fell flat on its face, not suing a government the refuses to be sued-- is not what one might describe as Right. It's morally ambiguous in every which way and is so Grey. Grey in a way that Hermione and her ploys are usually not.

There's nothing outright wrong with in-- no one dies, no one gets hurt-- but it's a plan that could make the participants uncomfortable. It's not something she'd usually even consider asking of her friend and definitely not something she'd considering asking of Draco Malfoy.

But Hermione Granger is angry and refuses to yeild to self set rules and fickle moral limitations that hold serve to hold one back and that is it.

She gathers her papers and then her friends and explains her reasoning. "Lucius is not going to take action unless action demands to be took. He cares for his son and it's something we can use to our advantage."

Malfoy, smart as ever, second to only her and no others, raises an eyebrow because he knows already what's to come. "You want to get Umbridge to use her Quill on me?" he asks and Harry at his side fumbles.

He does not like the idea. Typical.

"That's the plan," says Hermione crisply, ignoring Harry's protests. "But she won't Quill Draco unless she has a valid reason. The game plan is to break as many as rules as possible, and make it look ambiguous enough that if the memory is extracted, it might seem like he's done nothing wrong at all."

She leans in, her smile tight and filed with malice. She's angry and she's not afraid to fuck shit up.

"And," she says, "I think I know just how to do it."

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