Chapter 5 - A Little Deal

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Deku didn't come back for a long time. Though Katsuki couldn't know how long for sure. It was hard to keep track of the hours ticking by without a clock or even a window to look out of.

What he did know was that he was hungry as hell. His mouth was dry and his lips were horribly chapped.

All he could do was close his eyes in the darkness and wait as every one of his senses told him something was wrong.

Lights blinding him suddenly once more, the door creaked open. The grinning face he was growing to hate popped into the room. Unlocking the barred door, he approached Katsuki and crouched down to his level.

"I have a little deal for you, Kacchan," he said with a giddy expression.

"Not interested," Katsuki spat.

With a giggle, he responded, "Oh I think you will be." Roughly catching Katsuki's wrist, he took out a key. "It's in your best interest to behave." Unlocking the chains and letting them clatter to the ground, he said eerily, "Trust me when I say, disobey me and you'll regret it." Grabbing Katsuki's arm, he pulled him up onto his feet.

Katsuki was turned around and slammed into the wall. Holding him there, Deku tied his wrists together with rope. Gripping Katsuki's forearm, he yanked him away from the wall and towards the door. "Let's go."

Katsuki was taken out of his cell and into the hallway. As he was led, he noticed there wasn't a single window. Was he underground? Most of the ceiling lights were out or flickering. The floors were covered in faded red stains. He didn't see a single person. Where the hell did Deku bring him?

After limping through a maze of identical hallways, they stopped at a door that looked like all the others. Deku placed a hand on the handle and turned his head to Katsuki. "Don't try anything funny," he warned, opening the door and pushing Katsuki in ahead of him.

He was faced with a wall of glass, the other side dark. When the lights came to life, he froze.

What he was seeing couldn't be right.

How could Izuku?

How could he do this?

On the other side of the glass was a person chained to a chair. Their skin was littered with bruises. He could hear the drip-drop of blood as it cascaded down their body into a growing puddle on the floor. That wasn't even the worst part.

Because the person hardly holding onto life was his best friend, Eijirou Kirishima.

His head was slumped down, hanging in solemn stillness.

He wasn't already dead, was he?

He couldn't be.

He has to be alive.

Katsuki's heart pounded as if it was going to pound right out of his chest. He kicked the glass to gain his attention, pain shooting up his foot.

He wasn't moving.

Katsuki screamed at him, panic rose in him. "EIJIROU! EIJIROU DON'T DIE! I'M HERE!"

Moments passed before the redhead shakily raised his head. He coughed, his entire body shuddering with him. Fighting to focus his eyes, he glanced up in Katsuki's direction. "" he called hoarsely. His breathing was labored, stealing his energy away. "Katsuki... where are you?"

Katsuki felt breath on the back of his neck. He could feel the smirk on Deku's face though he refused to take his eyes off of Eijirou to see it. "He can't see through the glass," Deku informed.

Words got caught in his throat like flies in honey. "Why did you do this?" Katsuki whispered out.

Deku hugged Katsuki from behind and placed his head on Katsuki's shoulder, making Katsuki realize just how vulnerable he was. "I did this so you would see how serious I am." His hands like monstrous claws felt his chest up and down. "Now how about that little deal?"

Katsuki gulped, asking, "What deal?"

Deku's body swayed side to side to his own beat, forcing Katsuki to follow him. "Nothing much," he answered. "If you read something for me, I won't kill your little Eijirou." He spat out the name like poison on his tongue.

"Katsuki? Are you there...? Katsuki... I'm scared," Eijirou whimpered out.

Katsuki pressed himself to the glass, hitting his head against it. "I'm here, Eijirou! I'm here! Everything is going to be okay, just hold on! For me, okay? Hold on for me!"

Deku ripped Katsuki's gaze away from Eijirou, forcing him to look at Deku instead. "What'll it be, Katsuki?" His name danced playfully on his tongue.

"I, I'll do it. Please, please just... please don't kill him!" Katsuki begged.

Deku brushed Katsuki's hair out of his eyes, saying sweetly, "Good choice, Doll." He grabbed the rope binding Katsuki's hands together and yanked him along.
His time with Eijirou coming to a close, he yelled out for him, "I'll be back, Eiji! I'll get you out of here, I promise!"

He was brought back to his room and put back in his chains. His wrists were already becoming raw.

Sitting down against the wall, he stared at the floor, dazed from what he just saw.

Deku tipped Katsuki's chin up to connect their gazes. Handing him a paper, he instructed, "You are going to read everything on the paper, nothing more, nothing less. You will sit there still. If you say anything else or make any gestures, you will regret it." With a wide smile, he added, "Anything I do to you, I will do to Kirishima. So think before you try anything, understand?" Katsuki nodded silently, looking at the paper. Deku pulled his face again. "Understand?"

"I understand," Katsuki growled.

"Good," Deku said, patting Katsuki's cheek before backing up to set up a camera.

After receiving his sign to start, he looked into the camera and started reading off the paper.

"My name is Katsuki Bakugo and I am the #1 pro hero, Dynamight. When I was 14 years old, I bullied another kid to the point of suicide. His name was Izuku Midoriya. And for this, I am sorry. I recently discovered that he is alive and I'm going to stay here with him forever because I love him. Don't look for me. Don't try to rescue me. I am where I want to be."

With Katsuki done reading, Deku turned off the camera and put it away. "Thank you, Love."

As Deku was walking out the door, Katsuki asked, "Hey wait! What about Eijirou? You're going to let him go, right?"

Without looking back, Izuku chuckled, "That wasn't part of our deal."

With the door shutting and the lights flicking off, he wondered,

How was Katsuki going to save Eijirou?

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