Chapter 15 - Locks

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Eijirou sat at home alone. Though you could never be sure you were alone, right? Someone could be in his house and he'd never know it until it was too late! Bouncing his leg as he sat on the couch, he decided to get up and walk around the house again. He checked that the windows were locked and the curtains were closed. All the doors leading outside had at least three different locks on them. You could never be too careful. He checked for cameras and wiretaps, peeked out of windows onto the street.

He isn't crazy, he's just being safe!

It had been four years but it could be any day now.

Any day now, he could come back.

Any day, he could take him again.

Eijirou couldn't let his guard down for one minute. If he did, he'd lose all chances of ever saving Katsuki.

One moment Eijirou had been in that godforsaken room, drowning in his own filth. The next, he was waking up in a hospital bed. He vaguely remembered Katsuki there in that room. In truth, he thought he and Katsuki had both died and Katsuki had come to take him somewhere.

He knew Katsuki must've made a deal to set Eijirou free. Eijirou needed to use that sacrifice to come back and save Katsuki.

A year later, Eijirou had worked with the police to find Katsuki and they did it! Eijirou was finally going to save Katsuki from that twisted man known as Izuku Midoriya. When he got inside, he remembered the building vividly. Except... something was different. He didn't see anyone often but there was no one here.

No league.

No Midoriya.

And no Katsuki.

There were no leads to follow. Katsuki was gone.

He was assumed dead not long after but Eijirou knew better. The way that Midoriya talked about Katsuki.

The disturbing things he would tell Eijirou he wanted to do.

Midoriya is keeping Katsuki alive, Eijirou just couldn't find where.

Eijirou was deemed too mentally unstable for hero work. Even his closest friends had turned against him. They all wanted to believe Katsuki was dead but Eijirou wouldn't. He couldn't. He needed to believe that Katsuki was still out there.

Eijirou needed to save him even if it was the last thing he did.

Going down to his basement, he pulled off the sheet concealing his work. He gazed up at the wall covered in papers and string. Eijirou followed the attacks led by the League of Villains but every time, they escaped him. He researched deep into the members for any clue but still nothing.

A sudden noise sounded upstairs. Eijirou jumped, his heart racing, ready to run or fight. Creeping upstairs to investigate, he heard the noise again and identified it as someone knocking on the front door. Stalking over to the door, he held his breath as he looked through the peephole.

"Hey man, you home!?" A friendly voice called through the door startling Eijirou.

Unlocking the door and peeking his head through he recognized the visitor as his friend, Denki. Putting a hand over his chest and opening the door more, Eijirou let out a breath and said, "Don't scare me like that, bro."

"Didn't mean to, sorry. So... how're you doing?" Denki glanced behind Eijirou into his house. "It looks pretty dark in there, why don't you open a window or two?" He suggested kindly.

Eijirou pursed his lips. "You don't need to check in on me. I told you I'm fine."

Denki put up his hands to show his innocence. "No, no! I'm not checking up on you, I'm just here to say hi and maybe talk for a little while? You haven't been answering my calls and texts."

Eijirou glanced away guiltily. "I'm a busy guy, I'm sorry, I'll get back to you sooner."

Denki nudged the door. "Can I come in?" The concern on his face only worsened Eijirou's guilt.

With a sigh, Eijirou rubbed his hand over his face and stepped aside for Denki to pass him. "Would you like something to drink?" He offered.

Denki shook his head and sat down on the couch. "No, thanks though." Already knowing what conversation was about to happen, Eijirou sat down next to Denki. Taking in a deep breath then letting it go, Denki started. "I've noticed you've stopped going out to do things with me and the group. I don't think you're getting outside as often as you should."

"I can take care of myself, you don't have to worry about me."

Denki reached out to hold Eijirou's shoulder. "But I do worry about you. I know you're still grieving in your own way but you need to move on with your life, Eijirou. You've lost Katsuki and your job to that man, don't let him take anything more from you. Please don't waste your life away here!"

Eijirou brushed Denki's hand off of his shoulder with a sigh. "Katsuki is alive, I know he is. I get that you've given up on him, but I won't." Playing with his hands in his lap, he said, "I think you should leave now."

Denki stared at Eijirou with his mouth slightly agape. Rubbing the tears from his eyes, he sniffled and stood up. "Yeah, maybe I should, it's kinda late." The two walked to the door, Eijirou opening it for him. Denki stood on the doorstep and turned back to say with a sad smile. "Take care of yourself, man."

Eijirou returned the smile and nodded. "I'll try."

Once the door was closed, Eijirou went back downstairs. He had so much work to do but he was close. He could feel it in his heart. He'd see Katsuki again.

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