Chapter 13 - A Taller Building

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Katsuki was dragged down the hallway on a leash, which he hated. But hey, what's he supposed to do? Not eat dinner? He was far too hungry not to go with Deku. When they reached the kitchen, Katsuki's jaw dropped. This was bigger than Katsuki's kitchen. He could already tell this was going to be fun! Getting excited, he stepped quickly to get started and felt the collar yank on his neck. Massaging the area the collar rested on, he turned around and growled, "What's the big idea?!"

Deku zapped him with a snicker. "Inside voice, Kacchan." Deku grabbed a chair from one of the tables and placed it at the only exit. Sitting down, Deku curled his finger in a motion to call Katsuki over.

Grumbling, Katsuki complied and stood in front of Deku. "What?" He snapped.

Grabbing the leash at where it connected to the collar, Deku yanked Katsuki's head down to be at eye level with him. "I don't need to tell you to not steal tools and utensils from the kitchen," Deku warned. Before unlatching the leash, Deku pressed a quick kiss to Katsuki's cheek. Giving him a gentle nudge, Deku sent him off, saying, "Have fun!"

Katsuki waved a dismissive hand and started towards the pantry. "Don't fuckin' shock me while I'm cooking. I'll kill ya if you make me fuck this up," he grumbled, loud enough for Deku to hear. After finding everything he needed, he got to work. Checking over his shoulder to see if Deku could see what he was making, he rolled his eyes to himself. What Katsuki was making was going to be a surprise.


They talked about anything and everything. Katsuki even laughed. "Where was this Izuku like, a week ago?" He snorted.

Deku shrugged with a smirk. "I told you you'd have a much better time after submitting." Katsuki had to agree with him. Deku was a complete dick but at least he tried to be fair and respect Katsuki.

A thought crossed his mind, without looking back, he asked, "Hey Izuku?"

"Yes, Kacchan?"

"How long have I been here?"


"Three months," Deku answered. "You've been mine for three months now."

The smile dropped from Katsuki's face. He placed the knife he was holding on the cutting board, leaning on the counter with both hands. "Three months...? Does everyone... do they...?" Katsuki turned around to face Deku. "Does the world think I'm dead?"

Deku pursed his lips. "I don't see why you need to know that."

"Does my family think I'm dead?" He whispered, putting a hand over his mouth.

Deku narrowed his eyes and glanced away with an irritated frown. "I don't like this conversation. Change the topic," he ordered.

"Izuku, please answer the question."

Deku stood up and glared at the ground, tapping his foot in frustration. "Well they used to and it was great! Now everything is ruined! You just had to make me let Kirishima go! Now they all know you're alive and your little friend is helping the police to find you!" He let out a small shout of anger. "Now I have to work so much harder to keep you safe here!" Continuing to rant, he said, "I have to fight my colleagues off too! They're all pissed at me because I won't kill you! Apparently, you're just this big liability but that's bullshit! They all do risky shit all the time, how bad is being with the man I love, huh?!"

Katsuki didn't know what to make of this. It brought comfort to him to know that Kirishima was trying to rescue him but a pit formed in his stomach when he realized he had conflicting feelings over that. And those feelings... were going to be analyzed later.

Deku sighed and sat back down. "If worse comes to worst, I can take you somewhere else. No matter what happens, I will always be with you. I love you Kacchan, I mean it. We are going to have a happy life together and I'll do anything to make that happen."

"Maybe... maybe you, maybe you could let... me go? We could still see each other, like the normal way...?"

Deku's gaze snapped up to meet Katsuki's nervous eyes. "Nice try but you're mine, Kacchan. If I let you go, you'd run away from me, don't deny it."

Katsuki held his upper arms, casting his eyes away. "I wouldn't run..."

Deku stood up and stalked over to Katsuki. "Don't you lie to me, Kacchan. How dare you even suggest leaving me? Have you ever considered how I feel? I just want to give you my love and all you want to do is get away from me!" Katsuki shrank into himself at the verbal attack. "You owe it to me to stay with me! I've endured it all, I deserve you! It's all your fault I turned out like this! After everything you put me through, you could at least give me this!"

Katsuki softened and reached a hand out towards Deku. "Izuku..." he said gently.

"No!" Deku cut him off and slapped his hand away. Fully turning away from Katsuki, Deku crossed his arms and glared off into the distance. "Do you know what I'd do if you left me, Kacchan? I'd find a taller building."

Katsuki gasped and fell backward against the counter. "Izuku..." he said again, a tremor in his voice.

Deku whipped around, teary-eyed. "What?" He snapped. "Don't say such things? Don't tell me what I can't say!"

Katsuki panicked, holding his hands out in front of him. "No, no! That's not what-"

Izuku bunched up his fists at his sides. Tears spilled freely from his eyes. "I can't take this anymore, Kacchan! What am I doing wrong? Why won't you love me!?" He wrapped his arms around Katsuki, sobbing into his shirt.

Katsuki was speechless. This was all his fault. Izuku was crying because of him. He wrapped his own arms around Izuku, pulling him in close. Izuku looked so helpless clutched onto his shirt. It broke his heart. Katsuki's eyes were hot with tears, and they soon fell. One after another, it wasn't long before he was sobbing along with Izuku. When they both quieted down, they were sitting on the tile floor holding each other. With a shaky voice, Katsuki whispered just loud enough for Izuku to hear.

"I love you, Izuku."

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