Chapter 8 - Look In His Eye

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The days had become routine. Deku would come to wake him up with breakfast, they would talk, Deku would leave for a majority of the day and come back with his dinner to talk. Deku didn't hurt Katsuki as often anymore. He had learned that obeying Deku wasn't so bad once Katsuki had gotten over his own pride. Though he'd never truly submit as Deku put it.

He constantly begged Deku to set Eijirou free but he denied him every time. They settled on, if Katsuki behaved, Eijirou would receive better treatment.

Today was different from all the others. Today, Katsuki had woken up on his own. After waiting for what felt like hours, he called out to the camera. "Izuku? Where are you?" More time had passed.


It wasn't long after that before the lights flicked on and a nervous-looking Deku stepped in. Wait, nervous? Deku wasn't supposed to be nervous.

Deku unlocked the barred door and approached Katsuki, kneeling down to his level with some rope. Katsuki's wrists had been freed from the chains for a while and his leg wound had completely healed by now. He knew that when Deku had rope, that meant they were going somewhere.

"Hey, Kacchan," he said softly. His tone matched with every other sign today, spiking Katsuki's anxiety up. "I'm going to need you to come with me." Helping Katsuki up, he then tied the rope around his wrists.

"Where are we going?" Katsuki asked as Deku led him down a maze of hallways. He never got an answer to his question. "Izuku?" He tried again. Still, silence.

Stopping Katsuki in front of a door, Deku let out a sigh and held Katsuki's cheek in the palm of his hand. "Don't be mad at me, Kacchan." The door was vaguely familiar.

"What's going on?" Katsuki asked, a fog of unease settling upon him.

"You can scream and cry and call me unfair, but just know that I will be here for you," Deku said then opened the door and nudged Katsuki in.

The first thing that hit him was the smell.




The smell alone made him want to throw up.

But the sight.

He would've thrown up, had he eaten that day.

On a wobbly bed lay the man that he had been worrying over for however long it had even been. His skin was crusty with blood. He was battered and bruised. Much worse than the last time Katsuki saw him.

Katsuki didn't know when it happened but his hands were freed. On shaking legs, he stalked over to the bed.

The redhead's chest barely rose and fell but he was still moving.

He was still alive.

Eijirou was still alive.

Careful not to touch him, he rested his arms on the bed. "E-" Katsuki tried to speak, but all that came out was a terrified squeak. "Eiji?" He tried again, tentatively reaching for his hand.

His hand was limp and unmoving in Katsuki's.

He couldn't be dead already? Could Deku be as cruel as to deny Katsuki a goodbye if this was the end?

"Eiji? Eiji, it's Katsuki," he hoarsely called to him. "I'm back, I promised you I would get you out of here and I will. You just need to hang on." Katsuki dropped his head to Eijirou's chest, tears pricking at his eyes. But Katsuki couldn't cry, no, he had to be strong for Eijirou. "Please wake up... give me a sign that you're still fighting Eiji."

Katsuki felt a hand close around his own. "Katsu... ki..." The sound was faint and ghostly.

Katsuki raised his head to the sound. Seeing that it was Eijirou, he let out a happy gasp. "Don't strain yourself... just use that energy to stay alive." Giving his hand a gentle squeeze he turned his attention to Deku, who stood against the wall near the door. He gave Deku the most confused and disgusted look that he could muster. "Izuku, take him to a hospital," he demanded in a soft tone, so as to not upset Eijirou.

Deku simply shook his head. "I can't do that, Kacchan."

Katsuki's jaw dropped. "What do you mean 'you can't do that'? Of course you can! Just take him there!"

"I will not risk us being caught just to keep him alive."


Deku remained silent.


Deku pushed off from the wall. "Or you'll what Kacchan? Do you really think you're in the position to threaten me?" Deku stood closer with his arms crossed. "Tell me why I should help him. What will you give me?"

Katsuki searched for something to say.

Something to offer.

Then he knew. He knew why Deku did this. He knew what Deku wanted. It was the only thing Deku couldn't force from Katsuki.

Gazing down to a deteriorating Eijirou, Katsuki knew what he needed to do. He raised his eyes to Deku, staring into the eyes of darkness.

"If you take him to a hospital and let him live, I'll love you, Deku. I will devote myself to you and I will never leave you."

And that was an opportunity Deku just couldn't pass on.

Deku's lips curled into a devilish grin. "Do you mean it, Kacchan?" His voice was giddy as if Eijirou wasn't dying.

Katsuki pressed his forehead down to Eijirou's, a raging fever meeting him. Bringing his lips to his ear, he whispered, "I love you Eijirou."

"I love you too," Eijirou murmured hazily.

With a heavy heart, he withdrew his hand from Eijirou's and turned to Deku.

He had to do this.

He had to do this for Eijirou.

Katsuki gripped Deku's vest and yanked him close. Their lips crashed together in a swirl of rage and sorrow. He tried to pull away but there were two hands at the back of his head, grasping his hair. A tongue slipped in past his lips. The disgust Katsuki felt was too intense for words. Once Deku was satisfied, he let go of Katsuki so he could back away.

Though Deku would never be satisfied.

"I'll take him there right away, Kacchan~" Deku toyed with Katsuki's nickname. Without restraining Katsuki's hands again, he pulled him away back to his room. Deku put him in his cell and locked the barred door. "I better go now, wouldn't want him expiring on the way!" Deku joked as he skipped away.

Katsuki was left standing alone in his cell.

Suddenly he was on the ground, his knees collapsing beneath him.

Tears streamed from his tired eyes. He pounded his fists on the ground in grief. He screamed and cried in a hurricane of hurt.

Eijirou was hurt because of Katsuki.

He was suffering.

All Katsuki does is cause pain.

It would be better for everyone if Katsuki stayed missing.

It would be better for everyone if he stayed with Deku.

Deku loved him anyway, didn't he? Deku was the only one that ever truly would.

Deku said he could give Katsuki so much more... why shouldn't Katsuki try?

Maybe Katsuki could be happy with Deku.

And suddenly, Katsuki didn't have that look in his eye anymore.

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