Chapter 6 - Breathe

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Katsuki woke as the lights turned on. It was becoming a routine.

Deku stepped in, a hand hidden behind his back. It shot small waves of anxiety through Katsuki. Did Deku have something? Was it bad? Was it good?

Coming into Katsuki's cell, he revealed the items to be a small box and another paper bag. "I'm here to treat your wound and bring you your breakfast." Kneeling down to Katsuki's level, he smirked and said, "I'm sure you know to behave by now."

Looking inside the bag, Katsuki found a container and a plastic spoon along with a bottle of water. Taking out the contents, he opened the container to find chicken noodle soup.

Deku opened the medical kit and started treating the stab wound. "Are you going to say anything to me?" Deku asked without looking up.

Eating a spoonful of soup, he muttered, "You make shitty soup."

Glancing up with a mock pouty face, he asked, "Aww, you getting all quiet around me know? Where's that fire I've missed so much?"

Katsuki grunted and ignored the question.

Deku took this as a challenge and poked further. "What, I torture one of your friends and you just lose your voice?"

"LEAVE EIJIROU OUT OF THIS!" Katsuki screamed in his face.

Deku put his finger up to Katsuki's lips in a shh motion. "I like to hear your voice, I don't like your screaming." With a wink, he added, "Unless it's my name~"

Katsuki shoved Deku away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Laughing at Katsuki's outburst, Deku backed up out of Katsuki's range and sat down. "I see you're very close with this Kirishima fella. Just how close are you to him?"

"I'm not answering that," Katsuki huffed as he ate his soup.

Shaking his head fondly, Deku replied, "I'm not sure you understand the situation, Kacchan." Sitting with his knees up, he rested his elbows on his knees and leaned forward. "When I ask you a question, you answer it. When I tell you to do something, you do it. 'No' is not a word I will allow you to use lightly." He rested his chin in the palm of his hand. "You're mine, Kacchan. You belong to me, do you understand?"

Katsuki glared at Deku with all the hate he could muster. "I understand," he spat.

Deku sighed while shaking his head. "That's the thing though. I don't think you do." Extending his arms out to the room, he said, "I can give you so much more than this. All that needs to change is that look in your eyes." After letting it sink in, he asked again, "Now, tell me all about you and that fool."

Gritting his teeth at Deku's slander of Eijirou, he took in and released a deep breath. "Eijirou and I dated briefly after high school. I broke up with him and we stayed as friends."

Deku stared off into space, a nasty look on his face. Katsuki got the sense that Deku didn't like the sound of Katsuki having an ex-boyfriend.

Focusing back in, Deku asked, "You broke up with him? That means you don't love him anymore, right?"

"No, I don't love him like that anymore but he's still my best friend. You have to let him go, Deku."

Deku inched closer to Katsuki. "I don't have to do anything." He curled his lips up in disgust as he said, "And I certainly don't have to grant any requests while you call me that."

Katsuki felt his breath quicken as Deku neared. Swallowing his pride, he pleaded, "Please let Eijirou go, Midoriya."

Deku lunged at him and clamped a hand around his neck. Bringing his face inches away from his, Deku ordered, "Call me Izuku~"

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