- Addio Mio Cara -

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"What are you doing dear?"— he whispered in a low voice.

You steadily shook the gun and dropped it as you latched onto him hugging with all your might, the warmth and the cold contradicted themselves, the warmth from Diavolo's body and heart felt like home yet the coldness from the sick rain that stuck to his fine suit was fighting against the radiant heat, you pulled away and looked at him finally after fully regaining your vision to notice that the wetness wasn't just from rain water but also blood.

Your face turned pale and you left out a shaky cry hoping it was what you thought it was until Diavolo waved his hand dismissing the situation. "Aye.. don't get all soft on me now kiddo, gangsters don't cry." You quickly got off of him and ran upstairs leaving him to hold his side on the living room floor. Inside his room you grabbed your phone and dialed for Risotto in hops that he picked up yet knowing him he'd definitely pick up just for you.

"C'mon.. what's taking so lo-"
"Hello (Y/n).. what's the matter? You sound a bit shaken."

While trying to compose a proper sentence you blurted out..

"Please Ris I need you.. Diavolo got hurt I don't know what to do, there's a lot of blood please please come.."

Without another word the line cut off and it left you stunned at his reaction. Without thinking your ran into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid then ran back to Diavolo who was slumped on the side of the couch hold his side and his chest, there were huge gashes completely covered in red and black chunks of dried blood. You flinched as he breathed heavily and weirdly while walking over to him you took his suit off trying to not move him as much. "W-what happened..? I. Where did you go?" Your voice cracked.

After taking his suit off he laid flat as you examined his cuts. "Kid.. you're .. you're going to have to do some digging in my s-side.." your eyes widened as he lifted his arm showcasing a bullet wound. "Take the pliers and fish the bullet out.. c-carefully.ugh. Please hurry." Your shaky hands grabbed the tool and gently poked at the fleshy wound, Diavolo hissed in pain as the metal made contact with his skin, you grabbed an alcohol bottle and poured it onto his wound making him howl like a dog who's broken his legs.

"Arghh! Fucking merda!"
"Ah! I'm sorry I'm so sorry!"

The pliers made contact once more as you pulled out a small silver head from the gushing wound. Diavolo at this point was gripping his hair and tearing away at his scalp as it continued to burn, you placed the bullet in a small container filled with alcohol. Grabbing a curved needle you started slowly stitching his side up while he watched. "..T-thank you.. (Y/n). I didn't know you knew how to.. argh. S-stitch." You continued blanked faced. "I wanted to be a nurse.. I thought you knew that." Diavolo diverted his eyes cowardly. Once you finished all his over cuts you helped him up the stairs and into the shower before heading to bed.

As he laid like a wounded animal he called out to you as you turned away shutting his door and making it down the steps, with every step closer to the hallway on the first floor clear tears slipped away from the rims of your eyes, the only thought in your head was the fact Diavolo never paid attention to you or your dreams and ambitions.. your traumas or your fears. Then what was the point of giving up a normal life only to be hidden in plain sight.. to be isolated all in the name of "love".
Cleaning up the supplies the back door could be heard giggling, your whipped around and looked at the tall me only to let your guard down realizing Risotto came in sort of panting.

"Kiddo.. I came as soon as I heard-"

His eyes went down into your tiny hands as he watched you pick up the medical supplies. "What happened?.." you continued with your back turned. "He got shot like a stupid animal.." Risotto smirked hearing your annoyance with Diavolo. "Nothing new.. I'm sure you know." You shrugged "not like I care. I didn't think you'd come. You h-hung up so suddenly I.. I didn't know what to do."

Risotto approached you slowly, he knew something was off, he picked you up and hugged you. "You don't need to tell me.. I just know something hit you differently than normal, but it's okay, you did a good thing." I held onto him as I cried.. was it stupid for me to realize just now after all this time Diavolo never paid attention to me..? After my little crying sesh Risotto called Melone and got him to come down and check on his wounds for better inspection but to our surprise everything went right, my stitch-work wasn't as bad as I thought originally.

I climbed into my lonesome bed and curled into a ball trying to drift away, Risotto came inside and handed me some tea. "This should help you sleep." I took the glass from him sitting up, something felt off.. perhaps it was my headache after crying. As I drowned the tea down a sudden drowsy feeling hit my body, my eyelids felt heavy and I began seeing double before I could make sense of anything I heard Risotto's voice slowly fading in and out..

"Kiddo.. darling it's not my fault....volo ma..e me do... t."

And then pure darkness.



It's been awhile.. ahaha. Sorry you guys.

Happiness is a butterfly. Diavolo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now